Our Hours Today:
8:30 am - 5:00 pm


Bids due Dec 14, 2017:  Seating Risers


Bids due Dec 13, 2017:  Theatre Lighting


Bids due Dec 12, 2017:  Draperies and Rigging for CMFT Bldg


Addendum #1 to add a site walk-through


Bid Proposals due Nov 30, 2017:  Admissions Technology Solution


Bids due Oct 17, 2017:  Furnish and Install Audio Visual Equipment at CMFT Bldg


Bids due Oct 17, 2017:  Furnish and Install Audio Visual Equipment in Screening Room at CMFT Bldg


Bids due Aug 30, 2017:  Interior Renovation Campus Center South



Bids due Jul 20, 2017:  Renovate Old Mailroom to Cafe


Bids due June 19, 2017: Private Study Instruction for the Conservatory of Music



Bids due Jun 20, 2017: Boiler Replacement in Alumni Village Apartments


Bids due Jun 05, 2017:  PepsiCo Theatre Seat Repairs

Bid Proposals due May 23, 2017: Design, Provide and Install Audio Visual Upgrade to PepsiCo Theatre (for Revised RFP)

VectorWorks file:


PDFs that correspond to the VectorWorks file:

Additional Drawings:


Addendum and Questions+Answers:


Bids due May 11, 2017: Engineering & Architectural Design Svcs for Acquisition and Installation of a Synthetic Turf Field

Bids due April 13, 2017: Design, Provide and Install Audio Visual Upgrade to PepsiCo Theatre

VectorWorks file:

PDFs that correspond to the VectorWorks file:

Additional drawings:


Bids due March 15, 2017: Architectural and Engineering Services for Green Infrastructure Grant Project

Bids due March 2, 2017: Marketing for Recruitment Print Package

Bids due February 16, 2017: Painting Services

Bids due January 24, 2017: High Temperature, High Pressure Pipe Repairs