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8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Global Studies/General Studies

Discover more about the Global Studies program and the General Studies program.  Learn about program requirements and course offerings.

Career Possibilities

A liberal studies degree can help to make you a valuable commodity in the job market. Graduates with liberal arts degrees are employed in a wide range of organizations including banks, museums, retail companies, law firms, television studios, hospitals, schools, financial institutions, and many more.  Your liberal studies education can be marketable in preparing you not only for your first job, but also for your entire career.

Employers are looking for graduates who have multiple skills and abilities that can be applied to many entry- level positions.  They want employees who can write, research, learn new languages, have some technical skills, can organize and analyze data, work under pressure, meet deadlines, interact cooperatively with others and are eager to pick up new skills. For profit, non-profit, and arts related organizations all recognize that most liberal arts graduates have acquired these skills through their education, internship and work experience, and extra-curricular activities.  Employers are seeking diverse candidates, which include more liberal arts graduates than ever before.

Acquired Skills

  • Critically analyze and integrate knowledge (theory and practice) across disciplines
  • Connect interdisciplinary academic learning to real-world challenges, experiences and problem-solving
  • Recognize the role of complexity, diversity and change in understanding contemporary problems across local and global levels
  • Engage in ethical and evidence-based (quantitative and qualitative) reasoning to devise actionable strategies for social intervention
  • Clearly communicate and articulate ideas both verbally and in writing
  • Researching and sorting detailed information, synthesizing facts, concepts and principals
  • Interacting cooperatively with colleagues, the ability to deal with a wide variety of people, teamwork and cultural sensitivity
  • Organizational Skills: the ability to develop and meet goals, assume self-directed learning and responsible work ethics, and adapt to change (new approaches, methods, and technologies)