Our Hours Today:
8 am - 4 pm

For Faculty

Welcome from the Director

Dear Faculty Friends:

On behalf of the Career Development team, I would like to express our appreciation for all that you already do to support our student’s career preparation and readiness!

We’re aware that most faculty already serve as our student “career champions” as you partner on career readiness initiatives with our team. As partners, we’re always happy to work with your department to create more discipline-specific, tailored initiatives and classroom presentations, whenever possible.

Please explore our website, upcoming events, and virtual tools now available for students. We welcome collaboration with all academic departments as we strive to expand career-relevant experiential learning opportunities for students.

We look forward to working with you in the future!

All the best,

Wendy F. Morosoff, Director of Career Development
(914) 251-6370 wendy.morosoff@purchase.edu

Purchase JobScore Faculty Access Video Overview