Explore Majors and Careers
Choosing your college major and career starts with self-reflection.
Our Majors and Careers site has valuable information curated by our team of career experts to help you learn, explore, and navigate your options and our recommendations for how to decide.
Your college major will focus on a specific academic discipline and chosen field of interest. Through your studies you will gain knowledge and develop skills related to that discipline which can later be applied toward a variety of available experiential learning opportunities.
Career Counseling
Meet with a Career Counselor to help identify and investigate career options and develop opportunity search goals and strategies.
Learn to recognize your interests, skills and values to help you set major and career goals. Learn about assessments the Career Center offers.
Major and Career Possibilities
Browse through the majors at Purchase College to learn about the major, career possibilities, career information, job search links and more.
Explore Major and Career Possibilities
Investigate Careers
Learn from professionals in the field about careers that interest you—through informational interviews, Candid Career, the Purchase Alumni Mentor Network, and more.