Our Hours Today:
8:30 am - 5:00 pm


Career counselors can help you recognize your interests, skills, and values, and help you set your career goals. Knowing yourself is the first step necessary in finding a satisfying career.

The Career Development Center offers standardized interest surveys including the Strong Interest Inventory and the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI).

These assessments are administered and evaluated by a trained career counselor during your career counseling session. Interest surveys can help you focus on career fields, occupations, and work environments where you may find job satisfaction. They may confirm the career fields that you have been considering. They will not, however, tell you what you “should” be. Only you can determine that!


This online career assessment allows you to take a self-guided tool for career exploration. FOCUS helps you explore your strengths, interests, and skills and is a valuable tool as a first step to major and career decision-making.

How can I use FOCUS?

  • Create your Focus2 account.
  • Alumni: To obtain the user registration access code, call 914-251-6370
  • Once you have obtained the registration access code, go to the Student Log-in/Registration Page to create your account.
  • Once you have completed the assessments, be sure to make an appointment to meet with a career counselor to go over the results.
  • Remember, no single assessment can give you the answer to your “what do I want to be” question. Career planning is a process!
  • Once you have created an account with FOCUS, you can log back in at anytime to continue to take assessments, check your results, and explore majors and careers.
  • FOCUS allows you to save a Personal Portfolio, where you can save careers and majors of interest.
  • FOCUS is brought to you in partnership with the Academic Advising Center.

Additional Resources

The following websites allow you to explore on your own. These sites provide a free mini-report and may offer more expanded reports for a fee.