Our Hours Today:

Purchase JobScore

The Career Center is proud to offer our online job search system to provide job and internship listings for Purchase College students and alumni.

Purchase JobScore Login

Students are auto-imported weekly into Purchase JobScore.   
If you have not logged in yet, please select “Generate or Reset Password”, with your full Purchase email address, to have an email sent to you to set a password and access your account.

Log into Purchase JobScore Here (students/alumni)

Please Note:
Purchase JobScore is a third party system - Symplicity - and is not a Purchase College, SUNY system. 
Messages from the system will be from suny-purchase@csm.symplicity.com and not from an @purchase.edu email address. 

View a snapshot of Full Time and Part Time jobs currently posted.  
View a snapshot of Internships currently posted.  


Alumni who are registering on Purchase JobScore for the first time should email the Career Development Center directly to gain account access.   If you had an account while you were a student at Purchase, you will still have access to that account.   You can select Generate or Reset Password  to set a new password.  If you need to change your account to a non-Purchase email address, please email us to update your account.  

Purchase JobScore Mobile App

Take your Purchase JobScore search on-the-go! Download the Symplicity Jobs and Careers app for your Apple or Android device.