Mathematics/Computer Science
When exploring possible academic majors, begin by investigating the specific programs at Purchase College. Discover more about the B.A. in Mathematics/Computer Science, and find out about program requirements, courses and the program faculty.
Want to find out more about a major? Talk to department heads and professors to have your questions answered and to get the inside track on being a Mathematics/Computer Science major at Purchase College.
Career Possibilities
The following is a list of some career possibilities that students in this major might find rewarding. Remember, that your major does not necessarily determine your career. Graduates use their academic majors in a variety of professional fields. The options below can be used as a starting point to explore potential career paths, however, you may also want to investigate more using recommended resources to gain a more comprehensive list of careers. Keep in mind that additional education, training, and experiential education beyond your major may be needed to pursue these possibilities.
Acquired Skills
- Ability to analyze & solve problems
- Tendency toward logical thinking
- Abstract reasoning & keen observation
- Strong technology skills
- Proficiency for accuracy and detail
- Ability to work under pressure
- Ability to conduct & clearly explain research
- Ability to organize, analyze & interpret numerical data
- Critical thinking
Career Titles
- Actuary
- Application Developer
- Computer Animator
- Computer Consultant
- Computer Marketing/Sales
- Computer Programmer
- Computer Scientist
- Data Processor
- Database Manager
- Demographer
- Engineer
- Financial Analyst
- Inventory Control Specialist
- Mathematician
- Meteorologist
- Network Programmer
- Operations Research Analyst
- Professor
- Research Analyst
- Software Development Specialist
- Statistician
- Systems Administrator
- Systems Analyst
- Teacher
- Technical Support
- Technical Writer
- Underwriter
- Web Builder
Types of Organizations that Hire
- Technology Companies
- Software Design Firms
- Financial Institutions/Banks
- Insurance Agencies
- Educational Institutions
- Government Agencies
- Manufacturers
- Telecommunication Companies
- Major Corporations
- Non Profit Organizations
Career Information and Professional Association Links
Buzzfile- Employers of Mathematics majors
Buzzfile - Employers of Computer Science majors
American Mathematical Society
Mathematical Association of America
American Statistical Association
Association for Women in Mathematics
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics - career information
American Mathematical Society - Resources for undergraduate mathematics majors
Mathematical Association of America - Career profiles in math
Be An Actuary -Information on becoming an Actuary
IEEE Computer Society
Association for Computing Machinery
CompTIA - Formally the Association of Information Technology Professionals
Game Designing - Information on companies and video game design jobs
Career Cornerstone Center - Career planning resources for technology, engineering, mathematics and computing
Science Careers Now - Guide to science careers
The New York Academy of Sciences
Student Alliance (NYAS) - Committed to advancing the careers of students in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
Occupational Outlook Handbook Online: job type descriptions, job growth forecasts, and salary information
Job Search Links
Career Development Center - Click on Purchase JobScore to access jobs posted for Purchase students and alumni
American Mathematical Society - internship opportunities
Dice - Jobs for technology professionals
Just Tech Jobs - Job search by skill
Hired - Connects innovative companies with top tech talent
Computer Jobs
Mathematical Association of American - Helps candidates find a job in the diverse field of mathematics
Math for America - Teaching fellowship
eFinance Careers - Jobs in finance, banking, accounting and technology
Gamasutra - The Art and Business of Making Games, job listings by company or field
Game Jobs - Jobs in the video and computer gaming industry
ResearchGate -Professional network for scientists/researchers and job search
National Science Foundation - Research Experience for Undergraduates
NewScientist - Database of hundreds of science jobs
Energy.Gov - Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships (SULI) with the U.S. Department of Energy
Google Careers - Students