When exploring possible academic majors, begin by investigating the specific programs at Purchase College. Discover more about the B.A./B.S. in Biology and find out about program requirements, courses and the program faculty.
Want to find out more about a major? Talk to department heads and professors to have your questions answered and to get the inside track on being a Biology major at Purchase College.
Career Possibilities
The following is a list of some career possibilities that students in this major might find rewarding. Remember, that your major does not necessarily determine your career. Graduates use their academic majors in a variety of professional fields. The options below can be used as a starting point to explore potential career paths, however, you may also want to investigate more using recommended resources to gain a more comprehensive list of careers. Keep in mind that additional education, training, and experiential education beyond your major may be needed to pursue these possibilities.
Acquired Skills
- Observing, collecting, and analyzing data
- Concentration and focus
- Conducting and explaining scientific research
- Accuracy and detail
- Problem solving and decision making
- Determination and self-direction
- Collaboration
- Operation of scientific equipment
- Knowledge of basic scientific theories and practices
- Reading, writing, and speaking about science
- Sophisticated technological skills
Career Titles
- Agricultural Scientist
- Aquatic Scientist
- Audiologist
- Bio-Engineer
- Biologist
- Botanist
- Biotechnologist
- Clinical Laboratory Technician
- Dentist
- Educator
- Electron Microscopist
- Environmental Protection Worker
- Food Scientist Technician
- Genetic Counselor
- Hospital Administrator
- Lab Technician
- Marine Biologist
- Microbiologist
- Nurse
- Nurse Practitioner
- Nutritionist
- Oceanographer
- Occupational Therapist
- Pharmaceutical Sales Representative
- Physical Therapist
- Physician
- Physician Assistant
- Research Technician / Research Assistant
- Teacher
- Technical Sales
- Technical Writer
- Toxicology
- Veterinarian
- Zoologist
Types of Organizations that Hire
- Research Institutions
- Pharmaceutical Companies
- Biotech Companies
- Government Agencies
- Scientific Publishers
- Environmental Agencies
- Universities
- Schools
- Museums
- Zoos
- Aquariums
- Hospitals
- Foundations
- Legal Institutions
- Laboratories
- Food and Beverage Companies
- High-Tech Industrial Companies
Career Information and Professional Association Links
BuzzFile - Employers of Biology majors
Explore Health Careers- Interactive health careers site that explains the array of health professions
American College of Healthcare Executives - Health Care Administration Careers
American Association for the Advancement of Science
International Life Sciences Institute
National Association for Biomedical Research
Biotechnology Innovation Organization - World’s largest biotechnology organization
Career Cornerstone Center - Career planning resources for science, technology, and healthcare
The Biochemical Society
The American Institute of Biological Sciences: Careers in the Biological Sciences
National Science Foundation
National Academy of Sciences
Pathways to Science - Education and Career Training, Paid Internship etc.
American Academy of PAs - Becoming a Physician Assistant
New York Academy of Sciences
Science Alliance - Committed to advancing the careers of students in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
Science Career Now - Guide to science careers
Occupational Outlook Handbook Online - Job descriptions, growth forecasts & salary
Purchase partnership with SUNY Upstate
Medical University College of Medicine
Job Search Links
Career Development Center - Log into Purchase JobScore to access jobs posted for Purchase students and alumni
Science Central - Science jobs and internships
New Scientist Jobs - Database of hundreds of science jobs
Nature Careers - Life and physical science jobs
American Association for the Advancement of Science -Science careers from the Journal of Science - Science recruitment
Environmental Career Center
Miracle Workers - Healthcare jobs
BioSpace - Biotech, clinical research and pharmaceutical jobs
Scismic - Job matching platform for scientists by scientists
ResearchGate - Professional network for scientists/researchers and job search
National Science Foundation - Research Experience for Undergraduates
U.S. Department of Energy - Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships (SULI)
HealthcareJobSite - Healthcare jobs
PublicHealthJobs - Public health care jobs