Language and Culture
When exploring possible academic majors, begin by investigating the specific programs at Purchase College. Discover more about the B.A. in Language and Culture, and find out about program requirements, courses, and the program faculty.
Want to find out more about a major? Talk to department heads and professors to have your questions answered and to get the inside track on being a Language and Culture major at Purchase College.
Career Possibilities
The following is a list of some career possibilities that students in this major might find rewarding. Remember, that your major does not necessarily determine your career. Graduates use their academic majors in a variety of professional fields. The options below can be used as a starting point to explore potential career paths, however, you may also want to investigate more using recommended resources to gain a more comprehensive list of careers. Keep in mind that additional education, training, and experiential education beyond your major may be needed to pursue these possibilities.
Acquired Skills
- Strong written and verbal communication
- Ability to interact with people of different backgrounds in various situations
- Reading critically
- Adapting to other cultures
- Communicating between cultures
- Evaluating information
- Ability to translate
- Collaborating as part of a team
- Reporting and editing
Career Titles
- Advertising Manager
- Art Dealer
- Consumer Advocate
- Court Interpreter
- Customs/Immigration Officer
- Director of Study Abroad Programs
- Drug Enforcement Agent
- ESL Teacher
- Foreign Correspondent
- Foreign Service Officer
- Foreign Student Advisor/Study Abroad Advisor
- Government Agency Administrator
- Hotel Manager
- Importer/Exporter
- International Banking Officer
- Journalist
- Language Specialist
- Lawyer
- Linguist
- Peace Corps Volunteer
- Pharmaceutical Rep.
- Professor
- Public Policy Specialist
- Reporter
- Teacher
- Tour Guide
- Translator/Interpreter
- Travel Agent
- Writer
Types of Organizations that Hire
- Educational Institutions
- Corporate Firms (in US and in Foreign Countries)
- Commercial Language Schools
- Government Agencies
- Non Profit Organizations
- Translation Agencies
- Broadcasting Companies
- Museums
- Publishers
- Hospitals
Career Information and Professional Organizations
Buzzfile - Employers of Language Studies majors
U.S. Department of State
American Counsel on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
American Translators Association (ATA)
The American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese
Association of American Schools in South America
Council on Foreign Relations
Occupational Outlook Handbook Online - Job descriptions, growth forecasts & salary
Job Search Links
Career Development Center - Click on Purchase JobScore to access jobs posted for Purchase students and alumni
Idealist - Jobs, internships and volunteer opportunities in the not-for-profits
Overseas Jobs - International job opportunities for professionals, expatriates & adventure seekers
Bunac - Work, Volunteer and Teach Abroad
USA Jobs - Jobs in the federal government
USA - Federal internships and job opportunities for students and recent graduates
Go Government - Federal jobs and internships
US Department of State - Jobs with the Department of State
The Peace Corps
United Nations Careers - Explore a career with the United Nations
iHipo - International jobs and internships
Footprints Recruiting - Teacher placement and support agency for schools South Korea, Taiwan and China
UNJobs - Vacancies with UN and other international organizations
Additional Resources Available at the CDC