English and Global Literatures
When exploring possible academic majors, begin by investigating the specific programs at Purchase College. Discover more about the B.A. in Literature, and find out about program requirements, courses, and the program faculty.
Want to find out more about a major? Talk to department heads and professors to have your questions answered and to get the inside track on being a Literature major at Purchase College.
Career Possibilities
The following is a list of some career possibilities that students in this major might find rewarding. Remember, that your major does not necessarily determine your career. Graduates use their academic majors in a variety of professional fields. The options below can be used as a starting point to explore potential career paths, however, you may also want to investigate more using recommended resources to gain a more comprehensive list of careers. Keep in mind that additional education, training, and experiential education beyond your major may be needed to pursue these possibilities.
Acquired Skills
- Strong oral and written communication skills
- Read accurately and analytically
- Imaginative & creative
- Persuasive
- Self motivated & disciplined
- Editing & grammatical skills
- Organized
- Observant
- Individually expressive
- Ability to present alternative view points
- Summarizing ideas
Career Titles
- Assistant Copywriter
- Author
- Book Critic
- Book Editor
- Business Manager
- Columnist
- Copyeditor
- Copywriter
- Counselor
- Editor
- Fact Checker
- Fund Raiser
- Lawyer
- Librarian
- Literary Agent
- Marketing Specialist
- Media Buyer
- Museum Assistant
- Paralegal
- Playwright
- Poet
- Production Assistant
- Professor
- Proof Reader
- Public Relations Specialist
- Public Relations Writer
- Publicity Manager
- Reporter
- Researcher
- Sales Representative
- Screenplay Writer
- Speechwriter
- Staff Writer
- Story Editor
- Teacher
- Technical Writer
- Writer
Types of Organizations that Hire
- Publishing Houses
- Magazines
- Newspapers
- Advertising Agencies
- Public Relations Firms
- Government Agencies
- Film Studios
- Educational Institutions
- Radio and Television Broadcasting
- Corporations
- Non Profit Organizations
Career Information and Professional Association Links
Buzzfile - Employers of English majors
American Comparative Literature Association
Association of American Publishers
Association of Authors and Publishers
Independent Book Publishers Association
The Association of Magazine Media
National Newspaper Publishing Association
National Writers Union
Public Relations Society of America
Center for Communications
Occupational Outlook Handbook Online - Job descriptions, growth forecasts & salary
Job Search Links
Career Development Center - Select Purchase JobScore to access jobs posted for Purchase students and alumni
Mediabistro - Job and industry information in the media
Bookjobs - Jobs/internships in the publishing industry
The Write Job
Communication Arts - Site for the professional creative marketplace
Freelance Writing - Site for today’s working writers
FWJ Freelance writing jobs
PRJobForce -Public Relations Jobs
NYC Department of Education -Apply to be a teacher in NYC & other resources
Additional Resources Available at the CDC