Our Hours Today:

Student Responsibilities

Every student with a disability has the responsibility to:

  • Meet the college’s qualifications and essential technical, academic, and institutional standards.
  • Identify themselves as an individual with a disability to the Office of Disability Resources (ODR) in a timely manner when seeking an adjustment.
  • Provide documentation from an appropriate professional source that verifies the nature of the disability, functional limitations, and the need for specific adjustments.
  • Follow specific procedures for obtaining reasonable and appropriate adjustments and/or auxiliary aids.
  • Contact the ODR if there is an issue with the quality of adjustments or if there are questions regarding adjustment processes. 
  • Check their Purchase College e-mail daily. E-mail is the College’s primary means of communication between students, faculty, and staff. The ODR communicates with students via their Purchase College e-mail only. E-mails may be sent from the general ODR e-mail account (odr@purchase.edu) or directly from the student’s assigned Access Counselor. For more information regarding the College’s e-mail policy, please visit Campus Technology Services’ Technology Policies website.
  • Renew their adjustments each semester by completing the adjustment renewal process via Accommodate.

 When engaging with the ODR, please be aware that:

  • The request for adjustments is an interactive process between the ODR and the student registered with the office. Therefore, requests for adjustments must come directly from the student.
  • If a student has an additional adjustment request after their adjustment plan has been approved, the student is responsible for submitting a supplemental accommodation request via Accommodate.
  • The ODR does not release information to Purchase College faculty or staff regarding a student’s disability. It may be helpful for students to meet with faculty or staff to explain in their own words, the nature and functional limitations of their disability. Students should meet with these individuals during their office hours so that they will have privacy and sufficient time to discuss.
  • The granting of adjustments by the ODR in no way guarantees that accommodations will be granted by outside entities (e.g. testing boards) or other postsecondary institutions.