Our Hours Today:

Renewing Academic Accommodations

How to Renew Academic Accommodations

  1. Log in to Accommodate using your Purchase College user name and password.
  2. Click on the “Accommodation” tab in the sidebar and then select “Semester Request” from the submenu.
  3. Click the “Add New” button.
  4. From the “Semester” dropdown menu, select the semester for which you are renewing your accommodations. The page will then reload, and you will see your course schedule.
  5. Click “Review the Renewal” to make review your request. You will be brought to a new page containing a list of your accommodations in boxes and underneath each accommodation you will see the courses you are registered for. If you know a particular accommodation will not be necessary for one or more of your courses (e.g. “Use of a Calculator” in an Art History class), you can opt to not request it for that course/those courses by unchecking the checkbox(es) located to the immediate left of the course(s) you do not want to request the accommodation for.
  6. Complete the above process for each accommodation listed.
  7. Make sure your request is accurate. Then click the “Submit” button at the bottom of the page.

Once an ODR Access Counselor has reviewed your requested accommodations, you will receive a copy of the notification letter e-mailed to your professors listing your approved academic accommodations for the semester. If you add a class to your schedule after you renewed your academic accommodations, you must again follow the above steps to submit an additional accommodation request for your new class.