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Request Accommodations

What Are Accommodations?

Accommodations are provided by the College to remove barriers and provide equal access to students with disabilities. Accommodations are determined on an individualized, case-by-case basis. 

All accommodations at Purchase College, including auxiliary aids and services that support effective communication, must be authorized by the Office of Disability Resources and are determined through an established interactive review process based on a student’s narrative of his/her/their experience of disability/diagnoses, and barriers and documentation received.

  • In order to access accommodations, students must self-disclose their disability to the ODR and indicate what accommodations they are requesting
  • Any student with a disability may be eligible to receive accommodations from the Office of Disability Resources (ODR)
  • Accommodations are designed to reduce or eliminate any barriers that may exist because of an individual’s disability or diagnosis
  • Having and using accommodations does not ensure success. Rather, accommodations promote non-discrimination and create opportunities for equal access
  • Accommodations are not retroactive

Reasonable accommodations do not and should not:

  • substantially alter the educational standards or mission of Purchase College;
  • fundamentally alter the nature of the program, course, service, activity, and/or practice/policy;
  • allow access to a program when a student is not otherwise qualified (with or without accommodations) to meet the academic and technical standards required for admission or participation in an educational program, course, services, and/or activity;
  • cause undue hardship on the institution;
  • be of personal service in nature (personal aid, individually paid tutor, etc.);
  • pose a direct threat to the health and safety of the student with a disability or others as a result of accommodation implementation.