Our Hours Today:


Faculty members are responsible for discussing any concerns with the Office of Disability Resources related to the accommodation(s) or adjustment(s) that have been requested by the student.

If a student requests that an instructor provide accommodations for a disability and the faculty member has had no official notification of the student’s need for accommodation from the ODR, the instructor should assist the student in contacting us.

Faculty members are responsible for assuring that approved accommodations are provided, either by providing the accommodation themselves or by making appropriate arrangements with the ODR.

Faculty are not able to refuse to provide required accommodations, to question whether the disability exists when accommodations have been authorized by the college, or to request to examine the students’ documentation without a written consent signed by the student. However, faculty members can have input and should arrange with students the means for providing accommodation in a particular class.

Professors who believe that providing these accommodations would fundamentally alter a course or impact a student’s ability to demonstrate the essential skills required of the course should contact our office as soon as possible at 914-251-6035 or ODR@purchase.edu.