Our Hours Today:
9:00am - 5:00pm

For Families

Studying abroad is a unique opportunity for your student to experience another culture and gain a more global perspective. Our office works closely with students through every step of the process from application to enrollment to reentry to help ensure the best experience possible for everyone involved.

As an office, our approach to advising is to offer suggestions and provide the necessary information and support, but we expect students to make their own decisions, complete their own forms, and generally manage the study abroad process themselves. We believe that putting the majority of the responsibility on the student creates independence and builds confidence that will help them to ultimately get the most out of their experience while living and learning in a foreign environment.

As parents and guardians, your student may reach out to you at various points throughout the study abroad process; your support is vital as they navigate these new spaces. But please note that all communication from all our office will be directly with your student so you should always reach out to them first with questions. *

The links below provide some important information and answers to your most frequently asked questions. 

Exchange students at sunset, Australia Exchange students at sunset, Australia

*Important note: We are bound by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (commonly referred to as FERPA), “a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records.” Purchase has established guidelines for the implementation of this law. Due to these laws and guidelines, we cannot disclose your students’ records, even to a parent or guardian, without the student’s prior written consent. The College’s full FERPA policy can be found in Policies Governing Student Records.