Tuition and fees for Purchase and SUNY study abroad programs are the same as you would pay if you were attending class on Purchase campus. But other costs such as housing, food, and transportation will vary by location. Factors such as exchange rates, type of program, length, location, cost of living, and excursions also affect the overall cost of a program.

Financial planning starts early!

We suggest you begin your financial planning when you start researching various programs abroad. Follow the three steps below to help you think through programs costs and your funding sources.

  1. A good place to start is to calculate all of your current on-campus costs, starting with your Purchase College Cost of Attendance. Think about your Purchase annual budget: add up your rent, meals, tuition and fees, travel expenses, entertainment, trips to the city, books, supplies, etc.
  2. Review the cost sheet for each of the programs you are interested in. Cost sheets provide information on program fees and room and board costs as well as additional out-of-pocket estimates for things like meals and other personal expenses. Keep in mind that program cost sheets may list only part of your expenses; you may have additional travel costs or other expenses you may not normally have in the U.S.A.
  3. Fill out a Study Abroad Budget Template for each program you are interested in to be able to compare your cost of attending Purchase to the cost of the international program.

In the end, most study abroad programs will cost more than a semester at Purchase College, but don’t let that discourage you. Our office is here to help you make the most informed decision possible and the funding options below can help reduce the overall cost of attendance.