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COIL @ Purchase

Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) increases access to global learning for all students by connecting faculty and students from around the world for discussions, exploration, and collaborative project work.

COIL at Purchase Logo

“My COIL work has been transformative to my teaching and scholarship. My COIL partnership has added depth and dimension to the curriculum and my teaching has become more active and intersectional.”COIL instructor


Contact COIL@Purchase to get started today!

What is COIL?

COIL is a pedagogical approach that is integrated into the curriculum of classes—in any subject area, at any level—and engages students and faculty in significant intercultural interactions through meaningful online engagement and collaborative, applied, and project-based learning, thereby bringing international experiences and their attendant skills development into the reach of all students, at any institution.

Who is COIL?

The SUNY COIL Center was established in 2004 as part of SUNY’s Office of Global Affairs to promote and professionalize the practice of Collaborative Online International Learning and Virtual Exchange. The Center serves the institutions of the State University of New York, along with offering services to higher education institutions around the world.

Visit the the SUNY COIL website to learn even more.

Why Integrate COIL?

A well planned COIL Collaboration can boost student engagement and enhance your teaching. Hear directly from faculty who have participated in COIL by visiting the perspectives on COIL page.

Faculty Perspectives

Hear more about COIL directly from Purchase faculty who have integrated it in the past:

Dr. Krystal Perkins, Associate Professor of Psychology

Interview with Dr. Krystal Perkins.

Dr. Linda Gironda, Lecturer in Law and Justice Studies

Interview with Dr. Linda Gironda

Getting Started

Incorporating a COIL collaboration into your existing course doesn’t require an expensive technology platform or extensive redesign of your course. It only requires an interest in effective, innovative pedagogy, a bit of flexibility and enthusiasm, and some thoughtful preparation.

The SUNY COIL Center offers online workshops to prepare you to embed COIL into your classes, and offers opportunities for you to find partners around the world.

The SUNY COIL Global Network, a global community of practice, serves as a hub for information and idea exchange, professional support, partner matching, and resource sharing. COIL@Purchase can help you create a Global Network profile to start connecting with faculty around the world. Sign up here to join the SUNY COIL mailing list to learn about workshops, webinars and other opportunities.

Click the blue button to contact us to get started with COIL today! Contact COIL@Purchase

COIL Vision: We envision a world free from implicit bias, where people engage across differences to fully connect with others. We believe that an educational environment that fosters shared values, mutual understanding, and critical digital literacy, and which promotes interaction across boundaries to develop leadership, collaborative problem solving and contextualized decision making, will make this vision a reality.