
Evaluation of Non-Tenure-Track Faculty

Non-tenure-track (NTT) appointments include both full-time appointments in a qualified academic rank (e.g., lecturer, visiting, or “professors of practice”) and part-time appointments. At the initial NTT appointment of a faculty member, the quality of the appointee will be documented by a current curriculum vitae, letters of recommendation, and an interview with the appropriate department chair, and the school/conservatory Director.

Faculty members with NTT appointments are evaluated after they have completed two consecutive semesters of employment. To be reappointed, the faculty member must receive a positive evaluation. The evaluation must include student evaluations for all courses taught.

Non Tenure Track Evaluations forms are done online by logging in to the Human Resources Employee Tracking System (HRETS) with your purchase college credentials.


The department chair or Director of the school or conservatory verify that the faculty member’s teaching performance and professional conduct have met or exceeded the college standards. If the department chair or  school/conservatory Director disagree in any area of the evaluation or on the overall recommendation, comments explaining both positions are required, and the file is reviewed by the Personnel Policies Committee (PPC), a standing committee of the Faculty at Large. For related information, please refer to the Appointment Letter and Type section.