Separation from the University


Employees who intend to resign or retire shall give a minimum of 30 days notice to the university prior to the last day of work. (The 30-day notice stipulation can be found in Article 32.2 of the 2016-2022 NYS/UUP Agreement.)

Informational Letter

Human Resources will send a letter containing information about final paycheck(s), health insurance (if applicable), retirement system information (if applicable), and UUP Benefit Trust Fund (if applicable). Additional information regarding Health Insurance Continuation (COBRA) is sent but the Employee Benefits Division to an individual’s home.

Keys and Other University Property

Employees are responsible for returning all university property upon separation. It is imperative that both your building key and office key are returned to your building manager (please refer to Building Access and Keys in the Getting Started section).

Separation Form

Before departing from the College, employees must submit an electronic Separation Form in the Human Resources Employee Tracking System (HRETS). Once you access HRETS, the electronic Separation Form is located under Personnel ETS Options. Employees must obtain clearances from all the offices listed on the form (Department Head, Office of Parking and Transportation, Purchase College Association, Purchasing and Accounts Payable, Library and Campus Technology Services). Please note that it is your responsibility to see that all signatures are obtained in timely fashion. Delays may result in the timely processing of vacation payout (if applicable) and/or applicability of sick leave accruals to health benefits coverage (if you are retiring and meet the requirements).


If employees are interested in retiring, they should contact the Benefits Office in Human Resources as early as possible to work out all the details. Information on retirement and privileges after retirement is contained in Article XV of the Policies of the Board of Trustees. Pre-retirement planning guides are also available from the different retirement systems.


Retrenchment is defined as the termination of the employment of any academic or professional employee during any appointment, other than a temporary appointment (which may be terminated at any time), as a result of financial exigency; reallocation of resources; reorganization of degree or curriculum offerings or requirements; reorganization of academic or administrative structures, programs, or functions; or curtailment of one or more programs or functions as the SUNY chancellor or her designee deems appropriate. Retrenchment is applied in inverse order of appointment within the affected group. The specific conditions governing retrenchment are defined in Article 35 of the 2016-2022 NYS/UUP Agreement.

Exit Interview

An exit interview is optional and may be requested through the Office of Affirmative Action, (914) 251-5992.