Campus Technology Services (CTS) provides assistance and support for most technology issues that students, faculty, and staff may encounter. We help students get internet access in their dorms and apartments, and we provide remote and on-site assistance for Purchase College–owned computers, printers, software, systems.

CTS can assist with setting up an Internet connection in your dorm room, a video conference in your office, help you with email problems, or get you set up for Unified Messaging. 

Audio Visual Equipment Loans:

CTS has established a pool of equipment available for loan to students, faculty, and staff. There is a full range of AV gear available from hi-def video cameras to flip cameras, from high-end still cameras to lighting kits, flat panel displays, and audio recorders.

Classroom Technology Services and Computer Labs:

CTS manages and operates a variety of smart classrooms, computer labs, and portable equipment (computer/projector) that can be reserved for classes, meetings or events as needed. Most classrooms already contain a stationary TV/DVD/VCR player. CTS also provides Internet-based videoconferencing and webcasting services that can be used for classes, meetings, or events. A general list is available on the right hand side links. A more comprehensive list of the computer labs and smart classrooms is available in the CTS Knowledge Base (a Purchase ID is required to log in).

Training - Teams, SharePoint and More!

CTS offers one-on-one and group training for Teams, SharePoint and More!   Go to Tips & Training to schedule an appointment. We also offer Webinar training!

For Faculty - Find step by step instructions with Brightspace at: Brightspace Quick Tips.  

Training currently offered by CTS include:

  • Webinar
  • SharePoint
  • Microsoft Teams
  • SelectSurvey
  • Lyterati
  • HRETS - Human Resources Employee Tracking System
  • NTT - Non-Tenure Track Faculty Online Evaluation Form


Wireless Internet (Wi-Fi):

Wi-Fi is available in all academic buildings and the Library. High-quality managed Wi-Fi is available in all campus residential areas.

Please see our Wi-Fi heat map for Wi-Fi coverage areas in different buildings.

If you live in any campus housing facility, your residence complex already has Wi-Fi service. Installing personally owned Wi-Fi routers is prohibited since they may interfere with college provided Wi-Fi services.

All of your devices must be registered for campus Wi-Fi service. “Devices” include smart phones, tablets, laptops, game consoles, etc.

Unregistered devices that attempt to connect will be denied service.

Register devices

We will do our best to help everyone with Wi-Fi service, but there can be no guarantee regarding speeds over wireless due to the nature of Wi-Fi service.

Please remember that all residential rooms contain wired internet ports which provide 100mbps service - which is faster than Wi-Fi - and which is not shared or subject to interference.

Residential Network Service (ResNet):

CTS provides data network and computing support services for all campus residents with two fast Ethernet ports in each room. Internet traffic is shaped and prioritized to prevent any one type of traffic from overwhelming other types of traffic. No traffic is blocked entirely. If you find that your online game or console is not working properly after being registered, it may be that a particular obscure port has to be opened—we have covered most popular games and consoles already, but this is ever-shifting terrain. To protect the college community from cyber-threats, unused ports are disabled.

Administrative Computing Services:

CTS provides a variety of web-based self-service administrative applications for faculty, including class lists, grading, and other key services. A complete list of services is available on the Faculty/Staff Portal

CTS provides email accounts for all Purchase College faculty, staff, and students. Email accounts for students are created automatically upon enrollment. Faculty and staff email accounts are created upon completion and sign-off of a PAF (Personnel Action Form) for state employees or P-Dash (Person Data Sheet) for non-state employees. Activate your email account or reset your password.

Telephone and Voice Mail: 

CTS provides telephone, voicemail, and Unified Messaging services to all faculty and staff offices. Please note that faculty and staff must read and acknowledge the college’s Telephone Policy located under Technology Policies.

Knowledge Base:

The CTS Knowledge Base can be used by any member of the Purchase College community (it requires a Purchase ID). The website also includes helpful documentation on things like how to apply for home directory/web space and how to set up a mobile device to receive Purchase email. 

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