Our Hours Today:

New Students Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to Your First Semester at Purchase College!

Campus Technology Services (CTS) provides assistance and support for most technology issues students may encounter. We help students get Internet access in residence halls and apartments, on-site assistance for Purchase College owned computers, printers, software, systems and networks, and more.

Please see the list below of frequently asked questions as it pertains to features and services provided to students. Information can also be found on the CTS website.

You may always join our Zoom Chat for assistance and answers to any specific questions.

CTS Contact Information:

CTS Website

Walk-in: Rm SS0025 (basement of the Social Sciences bldg.)

CTS on Zoom, or dial 1 646 876-9923 or use Zoom meeting ID: 914 251 6465.


When classes are in session: Monday-Thursday 8am-6:45pm, Friday 8am-4:45pm;

When classes are not in session: Monday-Friday 8am-4:45pm



How do I connect to Internet from my residence hall room and from the academic buildings?

Purchase College provides a reliable Internet connection. To ensure the operational stability of the campus network, the requirements listed below should be met. You will need to register your computer and other devices.

The basic requirements are:


  • Up-to-date Antivirus program *
  • Up-to-date Operating System


  • Up-to-date Antivirus program. **
  • Up-to-date Operating System.

*CTS suggests Microsoft Security Essentials for Windows.

** CTS suggests ClamXav for Mac.

Both Antivirus programs are free on our Downloads Page.

You do not need to register a device if you are only connecting it to PurchaseWfi. PurchaseWifi authenticates you using your Purchase College credentials. So, you do not need to register if you are only using PurchaseWifi. You also do not need to register if you are joining PurchaseGuest.

You DO need to register a device if you plan on connecting to:

  • A wired port in ResNet
  • The PurchaseGame SSID on WiFi


Can I use my gaming console on campus?

Yes! You’ll first need to register your console for Internet access.


Where can I get wireless Internet access?

Wireless Internet (Wi-Fi) is available in all academic buildings and the Library. Our Wi-Fi heat map shows coverage areas in campus buildings. All student residences have Wi-Fi.

Do you support wireless routers?

Wi-Fi is available in all academic buildings and the Library. High-quality managed Wi-Fi is available in all campus residential areas. If you live in any campus housing facility, your residence complex already has Wi-Fi service. Installing personally owned Wi-Fi routers is prohibited since they will interfere with college provided Wi-Fi services.

We will do our best to help everyone with Wi-Fi service, but there can be no guarantee regarding speeds over wireless due to the nature of Wi-Fi service.
Please remember that all residential rooms contain wired Internet ports which provide 100mbps service - which is faster than Wi-Fi - and which is not shared or subject to interference.

How May I Get Assistance with Duo?

If you have not yet enrolled in Duo, please follow the Enrollment Steps to add your Telephone Number and phone type as well as install the Duo mobile app.

Once enrolled, you may also add another device.

If you lose your phone or the phone is not working properly, please contact CTS We can assist you with adding another device or issuing a temporary bypass code until a new phone is obtained.

If you do get a new phone and the number is the same, please install the Duo mobile app, and then contact CTS so we can send a reactivation text to that phone to reactivate Duo.


What kind of computers should I get for college?

Both Apple and Windows computers are supported on campus. Consult your academic department regarding specific requirements.

Can CTS fix my computer?

CTS will provide a good-faith effort to assist in helping your computer to connect to our network. As a courtesy, we can diagnose most software and hardware related issues. You are responsible for backing up your own data. We advise you to back up your data on a regular basis. Please note that CTS is not responsible for data loss, backups, or recovery of your computer workstation.

Where can I get Microsoft Teams?

Windows OS:
Download Teams at Microsoft Teams Download, and sign in with your Purchase credentials.

Android OS Device:
Install the Teams app from the Play Store, and sign in with your Purchase credentials.

Mac OS or IOS Device:
Install the Teams client from the App Store, and sign in with your Purchase credentials.

What software is available for remote learning? Does the College provide free or discounted software?

Purchase College can offer free or discounted software. Please see Software page for a list of available products.

How can I activate my email account or reset my password?

You can activate your account or reset your password through the Password Page. Please note that your Purchase College login credentials will never expire. However, once you leave the College, the email mailbox will be deactivated 18 months after your last course registration.

Can I get Purchase email on my smart phone?

Yes! More information and instructions can be found at Configure Email on Your Mobile Device.

How many computer labs are on campus?

CTS manages and operates approximately 75 computer labs and 115 smart classrooms across the campus, and provides an extensive pool of media and computing equipment to support student and faculty academic activities and projects. The labs are general-purpose computer media labs (both Apple and Windows environments) and we have a wide variety of software available for use. There are also a large number of smaller discipline-specific labs throughout the campus. For more information, see Computer Labs.

Where can I save my work when I’m using a lab computer?

Do not save your work to any public lab computers!

Alternatively, save to your home directory, USB drive, or email it to yourself.

Save your work periodically as lab machines will time out after several minutes of inactivity.

A Home Directory is available.

Please log off when you have completed your work.


Can I print on campus?

Yes! There are both color and black & white printers located in the Library DMZ area and other computer labs. Each registered fully matriculated student receives a 1000 point print credit per semester. There is an additional discount for duplex printing (both sides of the page.) See a full description of the Print Management Policy.

Does CTS loan audio visual equipment to students?

Yes! The College offers a large pool of media equipment loans through CTS, giving students the unique opportunity to borrow a variety of quality audio visual equipment. This is a partial list of equipment available: iPads, Light kits, Microphones, Video Cameras, Audio Recorders, Still Cameras, Tripods, Projectors, and Monitors. See the Equipment Loans page for a full list and guidelines.


Does CTS hire students?

Yes! CTS student employees should display ….

  • genuine interest in and knowledge of computers and technology
  • strong verbal and written communication skills
  • positive attitude and excellent customer service skills
  • ability to work collegially and effectively in a team environment

To request an application, stop by CTS. Most hiring occurs at the beginning of each semester, so we encourage you to apply early.


What if I have an issue that’s not on this FAQ?

The CTS Knowledge base offers detailed answers to additional questions.

A request can be made through the Work Order Tracking (WOT) system.