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Resolving MyHeliotrope Login Issues

  • ​​If, after typing your username and password, the screen returns to asking for your username and password without displaying any type of error, you need to clear your browser cache. See step 6. If an error is generated (“Your account is not recognized and you cannot login at this time” or “Authentication has failed, likely due to invalid credentials.”), see step 10 because this is due to an incorrect username/Password combination.
  • The MyHeliotrope Link is located on the Campus Portal page at under Quick Links. 
  • If you are getting a “no assertions” found message when trying to access MyHeliotrope, the server and URL changed, so please use the above portal page link instead. 
  • Below are some basic troubleshooting steps in case there are problems accessing MyHeliotrope.  
  •  Please make sure you are using an up-to-date version of Edge, Safari, Chrome, or Firefox.  For best results, we recommend using the Chrome or Safari browsers.    See this link: What Browser Version Do I Have?
  •  If one browser does not work, please try using a different browser.  If you get the “page is obsolete” message, try using Chrome or Safari.
  • For the time being, it appears that the latest version of the Edge browser may not be fully compatible with MyHeliotrope.  Try a different browser. 
  • Clear your cache for your browser.  See this link:  How to Clear Your Browser Cache.
  •  Once you clear your cache, close your browser completely before trying to sign in again.
  • Try logging out completely and trying again.  Click the link that says “Click here to make sure you’re completely logged out, then try again” from the MyHeliotrope login page.
  • Try using an incognito browser window.
  • Make sure you use just your username (firstname.lastname) only when logging in.  Double check to make sure you are entering your password correctly and do not have the caps lock on the keyboard or anything like that.
  •  Are you able to log into other applications on the Purchase website like email?  You can go to Outlook Online to check.  You can try a password reset and see if it works with your new password. 
  •  Try using a home network to access the page from off campus.  We have found that sometimes when another type of network (e.g. ResNet, public Library, Corporate) is used, the page either does not load properly or times out.  
  • If you still experience problems, it would be best if you send a screenshot via work order or email.  (See links below.)  Include the page url or describe what error you receive.  It is possible that you may need to contact your Internet Service Provider to enable the web port the application uses. ​ 
  •  If you are trying to access myHeliotrope from on campus, use a wired Internet connection or the PurchaseWiFi wireless network.  The username and password for PurchaseWiFi is the same as for your Purchase email.  The wireless network PurchaseGuest will not work.
  •  If you are still unable to login, please contact our CTS helpdesk via Zoom Chat, create a work request through the CTS Work Order System (preferred) or email.​