Topol Faculty Development Awards

Summer 2025

Application Deadline: February 14, 2025

Thanks to the continuing generosity of Dee and Robert Topol, Purchase College is pleased to announce this faculty development award for summer 2025. The recipient will receive $3,000 to use during the summer, unless the application is for a joint project, in which case it will be divided equally among the applicants.

For this year’s award, we are privileging applications for new general education courses in the categories of Mathematics (and Quantitative Reasoning) and Natural Sciences (and Scientific Reasoning). Applications should show the development of a new course or significantly redesigning a course using new technologies/pedagogies and incorporating assessment. Courses able to be taught in multiple sections and by various faculty are especially encouraged.


All full-time faculty are eligible to apply, as well as part-time faculty who have completed a minimum of 4 consecutive semesters teaching at Purchase College.

Submission Application 

Please assemble all materials and submit them together electronically to the Director’s office of your school or conservatory; incomplete applications cannot be accepted. Each application should contain:

  1. a current curriculum vitae
  2. a maximum two-page description of the project, signed by the Director
    Please note: The Faculty Professional Standards and Awards Committee requires that nominees’ rank, tenure, and full-time or part-time status be indicated on all applications.

Directors should:

  1. verify the applicant’s eligibility and status (tenure-track or tenured full-time faculty or part time adjunct)
  2. indicate their support on the description of the proposed project and provide their signature and endorsement
  3. send the amended application as an attached file to no later than February 14, 2025. Deadlines that fall on a weekend and/or holiday are extended to the next business day.

Selection process

  1. Finalists for the award are chosen competitively by the Faculty Professional Standards and Awards Committee. The panel represents a range of disciplines, reflective of the total curriculum of Purchase College.
  2. From the finalists submitted by the faculty committee, the provost will select the winners and announce them to the campus.

Results are announced by April 15.