Online Course Authentication Policy
At Purchase College, students in online courses must use a secure log-in to the campus learning management system, using their Purchase College username and password. This is required for students to register for courses and to participate in them online.
Student privacy rights are strictly protected. Only those enrolled in the course have access to the course. The outside community does not have access to the coursework, nor do students who are not enrolled in the specific course.
All students are informed of the academic integrity policy in course syllabi. Upon registering, all students formally agree to the college’s Student Code of Conduct, which include the academic integrity policy.
Campus Technology Services (CTS) also has a computer ethics and usage policy, which outlines clear expectations, including maintaining security of accounts, not sharing account access, and the strong password use enforced by the campus system.
Faculty members are encouraged to use video tools (i.e., Skype, Adobe Connect), in addition to phone conversations with students as needed. Instructors are encouraged to use activities in the online course for students to, once again, actively agree to the college’s policies on academic integrity and on computer ethics and usage.
As additional means of addressing student authentication become available, Purchase College will research possible adoption of such resources.