Waste Reduction and Recycling
Purchase has implemented waste initiatives to increase diversion and move toward zero-waste.
Waste is an urgent problem, and on a campus supporting thousands of people, green initiatives to handle waste can have a significant and positive impact on the environment. Purchase College produces over 1500 tons of waste each year, with a recycling rate of about 36% . We aim for a circular economy for our material use so landfill waste will eventually become nonexistent. This requires the participation from the campus community to make smarter choices towards reusables, proper waste sorting, and overall material consumption reduction. The College has made great strides and has introduced a variety of programs to divert landfill waste including material reuse, composting and an extensive recycling program.
The following materials are routinely collected:
- Metals: Recycle all clean, rinsed metals. Metals such as aluminum cans, bronze, tin, copper, and steel should also be recycled.
- Plastics: All clean numbered plastic bottles and containers (#1-7) can be recycled, such as yogurt cups, water bottles, plastic disposable cups, and take out containers. Rinse any food contaminated plastics before tossing them in the bin.
- Glass: Glass should be thrown into the recycling bin. These include all colored glass bottles, and glass containers. Rinse any food contaminated containers before tossing them in the bin. No ceramics, dishware, or bake-ware can be recycled.
- Mixed Paper: Any white and mixed office papers should be recycled, such as printer paper, notebook paper, newspaper, magazines, glossy and colored paper.
- Cardboard: To recycle cardboard, flatten the cardboard and store it in the cardboard-only recycling bins. Only non food contaminated cardboard can be recycled. Anything with oil or grease stains and food residue must be landfilled.
- Electronics: All e-waste such as batteries, calculators, electronic office equipment should be disposed of by creating a work order. You can also drop off e-waste at the bin located in the basement of the Library.
If you need additional assistance or have questions about our recycling program, contact grace.afflerbach@purchase.edu!