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Device Assignment and Tracking Policy


This policy covers assignment and tracking of college-owned computers and devices commonly assigned to college employees: desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and mobile devices.

The Device Assignment and Tracking (DAT) form is available online. 


What’s covered by this document?

This document is applicable to all College staff, faculty, or administrators who are using college-owned computing devices issued or loaned to them by a College department. All College-owned computing devices are governed by this policy, including systems made available as primary workstations, assigned within a departmental office, or purchased through grant dollars for specific projects.


All college-owned computers, systems, and mobile devices are covered by the Purchase College Privacy Policy which provides protection for individual privacy appropriate for an academic environment.  See also the Purchase College Mobile Device Policy for additional guidelines and procedures covering mobile devices.


For Staff: Administrative units provide their staff with computers, laptops, and mobile devices as necessary.

  • Administrative units must order computing devices in collaboration with CTS to ensure the devices are registered on the college domain, tracked in the college database, loaded with college software, and are compatible with college systems.

For Faculty: Academic Affairs provides faculty computers, laptops and mobile devices for all faculty as necessary.

  • Academic units must order computing devices in collaboration with CTS to ensure the devices are registered on the college domain, tracked in the college database, loaded with college software, and are compatible with college systems.

  • Each year, CTS produces a report for Academic Affairs showing all full-time faculty computers as recorded in the Workstation Database.

  • The CTS report shows all faculty computers (desktops and laptops), with “replace” recommendations where an individual’s only workstation is outdated or out of warranty, or where all of that individuals computers are outdated or out of warranty. Replacements are for a like device (desktops replaced with desktops).

  • A report is issued to the Provost with an overall cost estimate based on a current quotation for machines included in the “replace” recommendations. Academic Affairs edits the recommendations.

  • Academic Affairs may solicit input from Chairs/Directors regarding pending personnel changes and/or the appropriateness of each “replace” recommendation.

  • Chairs/Directors may get feedback from faculty within their unit.

  • Academic Affairs returns a final “replace” recommendation containing the names and types of devices (Mac or PC, desktop or laptop) to CTS for ordering.

Inventory and Property Control

  • Administrative and Academic units are responsible for tracking computers assigned to the individuals within their unit in their Property Control inventory.

  • CTS Applies Property Control Stickers to devices as part of “preparation for use.”

  • CTS sends Property Control sticker #, device and purchase information to both the Internal Control Officer; Academic Affairs, and to the unit.

  • Property Control audits are the responsibility of administrative and academic units.


Preparation for use:

  • Upon delivery, computing devices must be sent to CTS for preparation.

  • CTS prepares the devices - joining them to the domain and loading College software.

  • CTS will affix the appropriate Property Control sticker(s) to the device.

  • CTS prepares the electronic “Device Assignment Form” and sends the form to the individual’s supervisor for their digital signature.

  • CTS notifies each employee when their device is ready for delivery or pickup.

  • Employees may ONLY take delivery of their device (or pick it up) with a completed Device Assignment Form.

  • The Device Assignment and Tracking (DAT) form is available online. 
  • Upon delivery/pickup of a new device, the device being replaced must be returned to CTS. Data can be transferred to the new device during the handoff.

  • Administrative access is provided for all mobile device holders, allowing them to access the mobile device when it is not connected to the college network (offsite), change settings, install software, apply updates, etc.

  • College credentials (CTS) will exist on all College-owned devices to enable CTS staff to provide support and maintenance services as needed.


Transfer of Devices

  • Devices that are being re-assigned to another individual must be returned to CTS. Devices are refreshed, and a new electronic Device Assignment Form is prepared.

  • Devices may NOT be handed off to others without being returned to CTS first.

  • Upon departure from College service, all computing devices MUST be returned to CTS for reassignment and/or disposal.

  • All data is wiped from computing devices prior to re-assignment or disposal.


Liability/Reporting Loss

  • Departments should not loan college-owned devices to students, student organizations, or other outside parties. CTS maintains a loan pool of equipment for this type of use, and requests should be referred to CTS.

  • In case of theft or loss, the employee must file a report with the University Police.

Report a theft immediately to:

  • The appropriate local law enforcement authority and Purchase University Police

  • CTS (Helpdesk 914.251.6465) as soon as the theft has been noticed. Please provide CTS with a copy of the police report.


Failure to comply with this policy may result in disciplinary and or legal action.


See Device Assignment Form

Purchase College / State University of New York