Mobile Device Policy
This policy offers some best practices regarding the use and safekeeping of laptops, tablets, and mobile computing devices, and governs the use of and liability for College-owned mobile devices.
What’s covered by this document?
All College-owned mobile computing devices are governed by this policy, including systems made available as primary workstations, assigned within a departmental office, or purchased through grant dollars for specific projects.
All college-owned computers, systems, and mobile devices are covered by the Purchase College Privacy Policy which provides protection for individual privacy appropriate for an academic environment.
This document is applicable to all College staff, faculty, or administrators who are using mobile computing devices issued or loaned to them by a College department.
College-owned mobile devices may be used for any work-related tasks, including:
as your primary workstation.
on a College trip, conference, or workshop.
for research, creative production, or any work-related purpose.
General Use
You will receive user credentials for your device.
Feel free to change user settings to your liking
Please be sure to safeguard the device - log off or “lock” the device when it is not in use.
Physical Protection and Reasonable Care
Password protect all mobile devices
Secure your mobile device and keep it with you.
Reporting Loss
Report a theft immediately to:
The appropriate local law enforcement authority
Purchase College University Police
CTS (Helpdesk 914.251.6465) as soon as the theft has been noticed. Provide CTS with a copy of the police report.
General information on Faculty Computers and Mobile Devices
College units provide their staff with computers, laptops, and mobile devices as necessary.
Inventory, Reporting, and Replacement
All Computers are College Property. Whether purchased by the College, Research Foundation, or individual units, all computers and the software they contain remain College Property and will be managed by CTS.
Managers will use the Device Assignment and Tracking (DAT) system to manage their unit’s fleet of computers.
- Computers should be replaced approximately every 5 years. Computers that are unable to support a current version of an operating system will be disabled and must be replaced.
Preparation for use:
Upon arrival, CTS prepares the machines by joining them to the college network and loading college software onto them.
CTS notifies the individual when their device is ready for delivery or pickup.
Upon delivery/pickup of a new device, the device being replaced must be returned to CTS. Data can be transferred to the new device during the handoff.
- College credentials (CTS) will exist on all College-owned devices to enable CTS staff to provide support and maintenance services as needed.
- Administrative access may be provided for mobile device holders upon request.
- Upon resignation or departure from College service, all College-owned equipment –must be returned to CTS for inventory purposes, reassignment and/or disposal. All data is wiped from computing devices prior to disposal.
Physical Protection and Reasonable Care
Every mobile computing device must be password-protected
Each user of a College-owned mobile device is responsible for the security of that device, regardless of whether it is used in the office, at one’s place of residence, or in any other location such as a hotel, conference room, car or airport. Users are expected to provide reasonable care and effort to protect the mobile device.
The equipment may not be transported as checked luggage on public transportation (airplanes, trains, and buses). The user will keep the equipment in their possession at all times while traveling.
Carrying cases and mobile devices should be labeled accordingly so in the event of a loss the equipment might be returned. All mobile devices must have a College asset tag.
Special care should be taken with the security of the mobile device. Equipment must not be left unattended in public areas. Do not leave your office unattended and unlocked, even for a brief time, if your mobile device is not secured in the office.
Do not store mobile devices in a locked car or car trunk, as severe temperatures may damage it and the car may be broken into if the mobile device can be seen.
Along with the privilege of using a College owned mobile device comes the responsibility to safeguard the device and any data it contains.
Individuals are personally responsible for the security and safety of the mobile device.
Departments should not loan college-owned mobile devices to students, student organizations, or other outside parties. CTS maintains a distinct pool of equipment for this type of use, and requests should be referred to CTS.
In case of theft or loss, the employee must file a report with the University Police.
A theft must be reported immediately to:
The appropriate local law enforcement authority
Purchase College University Police
CTS (Helpdesk 914.251.6465) as soon as the theft has been noticed. Provide CTS with a copy of the police report.
If a mobile device is damaged, lost or stolen and it is determined that reasonable care and protection guidelines were not followed, the person to whom the mobile device was may be subject to disciplinary action. The determination of responsibility will be made by a College Officer, in consultation with the unit supervisor, UPD, CTS and the Property Control Officer.
Failure to follow this policy and these procedures may result in loss of computer privileges.
Failure to return the mobile device may result in disciplinary or legal action.
Data Security
Data Security policies apply to all computing devices used for College business. Since mobile computing devices are more susceptible to loss or theft, it is important that you do not store any Personal Private Sensitive Information (PPSI) on mobile devices, and that you maintain current backups of any important files that you do have on the mobile device.
Why avoid storing personal, private, and sensitive information? Mobile devices are particularly susceptible to loss or theft. If Personal Private Sensitive Information (PPSI) is stored on a device that is lost or stolen, the individuals whose information was compromised may face long lasting ramifications from the improper use of their personal and financial information. In addition, New York State law may require that the college publicly disclose the loss of such PPSI and notify all individuals whose information was potentially compromised. As a result, we highly recommend that you do not store any sensitive data on mobile computing devices.
What is Personal, Private, and Sensitive Information (PPSI)?
Per NYS Cyber-Security Policy P02, PPSI is considered a combination of any three of the following personally identifiable information items: Name, Address, SSN, account number, credit card number, maiden name, and date of birth.
To Secure Data on Your Device:
Ensure that virus protection updates, operating system updates and virus scans are performed regularly (these are default CTS settings.)
When using your mobile device in a public place, use encrypted network connections (via HTTPS on Wi-Fi or VPN) to ensure your communications remains secure.
Avoid using “remember me” for websites that require an account log on. This avoids storing your ID/password for that site in cookies and browser cache files.
Do not download, store, or record data that includes any personally identifiable information such as: student/faculty/staff/alumni/vendor Name, Address, SSN, account number, credit card number, etc. If the mobile computing device is lost or stolen, this data could be used for Identity theft. The user is responsible for the security of all College data stored on, or carried with, the mobile device.
Do not alter any system software or hardware configuration unless instructed to do so by someone from Campus Technology Services.
Additional application software may not be loaded onto the mobile device unless approved by Campus Technology Services.
Safe guard the device and data by ensuring the mobile device is “locked” or the user is logged off when not in use.
Inventory Tracking and Disposal
Upon termination of college employment, the mobile device, peripherals, and carrying case need to be returned either to the issuing department or to the CTS Helpdesk on or before the last day of work.
Do not give the mobile device to anyone else for use. Doing so will be considered misuse of the equipment.
The department responsible for the mobile device must maintain records of who has which mobile device for what period of time. The department responsible for the mobile device should retain a copy of each Mobile Device Authorization Form they issue. If the mobile device does not have a barcode, then the unique identifying number (e.g. a serial number or service tag number) should be used to identify the equipment.
When a mobile device reaches the end of its useful life, it must be returned to the CTS Help Desk for disposal. They will ensure that the device is wiped clean before the unit leaves campus.
Failure to comply with this policy may result in disciplinary and or legal action.
Thank you for reading this document.
Acknowledgement of Mobile Computing Device Usage Policy
Purchase College / State University of New York
authorize (name) to receive a mobile computing device.
(Supervisor’s name) (Employee’s name)
Mobile computing device information:
Laptop Tablet Other
Manufacturer Model
Serial # Original cost: Date of purchase:
I approve the issuance of a Mobile Computing Device to the employee:
(Supervisor signature / date)
I approve the issuance of a Mobile Computing Device to the employee:
(College Officer’s signature / date)
I have read and agree to follow the Mobile Computing Device Usage Policy:
(Employee signature / date)
Submit form to Campus Technology Services. A copy should also be retained by the issuing department.
This information has been recorded in the computer inventory database:
(CTS Reviewer / date)