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How do I connect to the internet in my dorm room?

Purchase College provides a reliable internet connection. To ensure the operational stability of the campus network, the requirements listed below must be met. You will need to register your computer.

The basic requirements are:

Windows and Mac:

  • Up-to-date Antivirus program
  • Up-to-date Operating System

CTS suggests Microsoft Security Essentials for Windows.

CTS suggests ClamXav for Mac.

Both Antivirus programs are free!  Just visit the Downloads page.


You do not need to register a device if you are only connecting it to PurchaseWifi. PurchaseWifi authenticates you using your Purchase College credentials. So, you do not need to register your computer if you are only using PurchaseWifi. You also do not need to register if you are joining PurchaseGuest.

You DO need to register a device if you plan on connecting to:

  • A wired port in ResNet
  • The PurchaseGame SSID on WiFi