Our Hours Today:

Identity and Access Management Policy


Students are granted Purchase College Credentials upon Admission to the college, or upon registration for a course as an LSCE student, summer camp participant, or other non-application-based programs. An active email box is granted along with student credentials (UserID and Password).

Use of Student Credentials:

Students must use this account to interact with college systems – class DL’s, Brightspace assignments, etc. All official communications from the college to students will be sent to the college email account.

Persistence of Student Credentials:

Student email accounts persist for 18 months after their last course/activity registration. However, Student credentials persist forever – their email mailbox is eliminated 18 months after their last registration, but their UserID and Password remain active so that they can request transcripts, register for additional classes, etc.

If a student whose email mailbox has been retired registers for another class, a new (and empty) mailbox will be created and associated with their existing credentials (UserID and password.) This is a manual process.

Extended Access to College Systems for students: 

If a student requests continued access to college systems beyond the 18-month grace period following their last registration, an academic department/BOS can create a P-Dash volunteer transaction for the student.


Students may choose to grant parent/guardian credentials with specific privileges through the Banner Self-Service Proxy function. Parent Guardian credentials are created within the Banner database (no more sub-domain.) No Purchase College email is created for parent/guardian accounts – P/G accounts are associated with an external email where notifications are sent.

Use of Parent/Guardian Credentials:

Parents/Guardians must use this account to interact with college systems.  Students typically grant P/G access to pay their Purchase College bills, view grades, and view schedules – all of which are available through the self-service Banner menu.

Persistence of Parent/Guardian Credentials:

Students grant P/G credentials, and can renew their access as necessary while the Student credential remains valid.

Faculty and Staff Credentials:

All faculty and staff are granted Purchase College Credentials and a campus email mailbox upon their appointment to a position at the college. This group includes all full and part-time faculty and staff, adjunct faculty, and all other persons appointed via PAF in the HRETS system.

Use of Faculty and Staff Credentials:

Faculty and staff use their Purchase College credentials to interact with Purchase College and SUNY systems. Faculty and staff must use their Purchase College email account for conducting all official college business. Faculty and staff are discouraged from using their Purchase College email account for personal business.

Persistence of Faculty and Staff Credentials:

Faculty and Staff credentials persist through their last day of service to the college*. The last day of service is considered to be the “End of Service” date specified on a terminal PAF. For Adjunct or Temporary Service PAF’s, the end-of-service date is the ending date for that Temporary Service appointment, unless the originating PAF TS appointment includes an “extend email privileges until” date. (* A 60-day grace period is applied for employee accounts.)

Extended Access to College Systems for Faculty and Staff:

There is a process for requesting extended account privileges beyond the last day of college service, with executive approval. In cases where a faculty or staff member is a former student, on their last day of service, their group membership will be updated to reflect an alumni only role, and their mailbox will be disabled – but their credentials will remain  - as they would for any student.

Volunteers, Contractors, Vendors, Guests, and other “Affiliated” Community Members:

Upon sponsorship of their role at the college using the HRETS Person Data Sheet (P-Dash), persons in this category are granted College Credentials and an email mailbox.

Campus supervisors use the P-Dash form to sponsor persons to a specific role at the college for a specific period of time.  Persons in this category may be active in multiple and even simultaneous sponsored roles at the College, but will receive one active credential.

Use of Affiliate Credentials:

Persons in the affiliated category use their Purchase College credentials to interact with college and SUNY systems. Persons in the affiliated category must use their Purchase College email account for conducting official College business, and are discouraged from using the account for personal business.

Persistence of Affiliate Credentials:

For persons in the affiliate category who are provisioned via the P-Dash form, credentials persist through their last day of service to the college. The last day of service is the end-of-service date listed on their P-Dash form. Note that there is no automatic grace period as there is for regular college employees. However, the affiliate – and their sponsoring supervisor – will receive notification of the pending expiration of the P-Dash account 30 days before its ending date, and again at 20 days and 10 days.

Extended Access to College Systems for Affiliates: 

There is no process for requesting extended account privileges beyond the last day of college service for affiliate credentials. However, a sponsoring office can choose to re-appoint the affiliate using another P-Dash transaction for an additional period of time. In cases where an affiliate is a former student, their group membership will be updated to reflect an alumni only role, and their mailbox will be disabled – but their credentials will remain - as they would for any student.