Working in Residential Units on Campus
CTS Policy – Working in Residential Spaces
By Individual Appointment:
CTS support staff regularly visit residential spaces to perform service by appointment with the occupant. This occurs through regular service interactions when residents contact the Helpdesk.
Large-scale Project work:
For larger scale non-individual work involving an entire housing complex, the Residential License Agreement (pseudo-lease for occupants) specifically grants all college employees the right to work in residential spaces.
When working in non-individual residential spaces, CTS will:
- Notify Residents at least 24 hours in advance via email – stating that CTS employees and/or contractors will be working in the complex, stating a half-day window in which the work will occur.
- Affix service announcement hang-tag or notice to all individual rooms that will need to be entered in the course of the work – 24 hours in advance – stating the half-day window in which the work will occur.
- CTS staff and contractors will display identification in a prominent fashion - via College ID card on lanyard – or painted onto their forehead.
- When ready to enter the residence, CTS staff will knock and announce loudly. If there is no answer, the employee will key into the room – opening the door slightly – and announcing loudly again – “Name, from CTS, here to do xyz” – before physically entering the space.
- The “buddy system” will be employed – a minimum of two persons is required to enter a residential space. (i.e. One college employee and one contractor)
- CTS employees and Contractors will not move or handle any personal belongings for any reason. The specific location where work is to be done (i.e. the closet, north wall, etc.) will be identified in the work to be done notifications whenever possible, along with a request that residents clear personal belongings from that area. If personal belongings obstruct the area where work is to be performed, a note asking the belongings be removed will be left, and the work team will return at another time to complete the necessary work.
- Upon completion of the work, another hangtag/notice will be placed on the exterior of the residence door stating “CTS was here on 99/99/99 at TIME to perform task, which has now been completed”