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Computer Replacement Cycle

Purchase College Computer Replacement Cycle Policy - 2019


A computer that is able to run current versions of various software is an essential component of today’s learning, teaching, and working environment. To ensure that students, faculty and staff have access to the computers and services they need to fulfill their roles, the College has instituted a variety of policies and programs to ensure that computers are maintained and replaced on a regular basis.

Computer Labs:

The faculty Instructional Technology Advisory Committee (ITAC) is responsible for managing the  replacement cycle for the ~75 computer labs around campus. Each year, approximately $350,000 in ITAC funding is provided to ensure that the academic computer labs are maintained and upgraded so that they meet the teaching needs of our academic programs.

Each spring ITAC issues a call for proposals to the faculty and academic divisions. Proposals for ITAC funding must be endorsed by the Department Chair, the academic unit Director, and the Dean. During the spring semester ITAC reviews and prioritizes the proposals it receives, making award decisions by the end of the spring semester so that upgrade/replacement implementation can occur over the summer. 

Faculty/Staff in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and the School of the Arts:

Faculty Support and development are the responsibility of Academic Affairs. Every faculty and staff member in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) and the School of the Arts (SotA) should have a computer for communications with students and colleagues, for use with Brightspace, for research, and administrative tasks like advising and grading. Faculty and staff in LAS and SotA will be provided with one reasonably current desktop PC to ensure basic connectivity and access.

Each spring the Deans offices review Device Assignment and Tracking (DAT) information for their areas. DAT shows all computers, with out-of-warranty computers highlighted. Computers will be considered for replacement 5 years after their original purchase date.

The Deans may also invite proposals for non-standard PC upgrades from their faculty. The Deans assemble a list of upgrade requests – including any non-standard computers that they approve, which is sent to Academic Affairs for funding. CTS orders the computers and arranges their delivery to individual faculty members. 

Faculty or Staff who are receiving a new computer must turn in the old computer to CTS for disposal and recycling.

Typical Computers:

New York State negotiates contracts with major computer vendors each year. The current contract holder for PCs is HP, which offers a standard desktop PC for $928, including a 5-year warranty. 

Since the purpose of the college-owned computer is basic access, Apple computers will only be purchased with additional justification provided to the Dean.

Faculty/Staff in the Library and LSCE

The Director of the Library and the Director of LSCE will review Device Assignment and Tracking (DAT) information for their areas. DAT shows all computers, with out-of-warranty computers highlighted. The Directors may also invite proposals for non-standard PC upgrades from their faculty. The Directors submit their upgrade requests – including any non-standard computers that they approve, and send it to Academic Affairs for funding.

Following administrative review and Academic Affairs funding allocation, CTS orders the computers and arranges their delivery to individual faculty members. 

Faculty or Staff who are receiving a new computer must turn in the old computer to CTS for refurbishment and/or recycling.

Part-Time and Adjunct Faculty Replacement Computers:

Adjunct and part-time faculty computers remain the responsibility of the individual unit managers. Academic units should ensure that part-time and adjunct faculty also have access to appropriate computers.

There is no central funding pool for adjunct or part-time faculty computers. Individual unit managers should plan and budget for computers appropriate to their employees needs.

College Staff Replacement Computers:

Outside of LAS and SotA, college staff computers are the responsibility of their unit managers. Individual units should ensure that part-time and student staff have access to computers appropriate to their needs.

There is no central funding pool for staff computers. Individual unit managers should plan and budget for computers appropriate to their employees needs. Staff receiving a new computer must turn in their old computer to CTS for disposal and recycling. 

The College will provide HP PCs by default. Faculty requests for Apple computers must be accompanied by written justification for the additional expense, endorsed by the chair/director, and sent to the Academic Dean’s office. Non-standard PCs will only be bought with the Dean’s approval. 

Typical Software:

The College provides both Microsoft and Apple Operating systems and licenses for Microsoft Office desktop productivity software (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Outlook.) In addition, the College provides concurrent licenses for Adobe Creative Cloud (Photoshop, Acrobat, Illustrator, Premier, etc.), SPSS, and many others via our Sassafras license server. Any other software needed by an individual employee is the responsibility of their administrative unit.

Typical Computer Warranties:

HP, Dell and Apple computers purchased through Purchase College are typically purchased with a 3 to 5 year warranty covering hardware replacement and next-day on-site service.

While out of warranty computers may be functioning and still serve the user’s needs, these computers become a liability due to increasing cost in time and labor as they age. 

Purchase College considers 5 years to be the useful lifespan for a computer and recommends replacing computers at the 5-year mark.

All Computers are College Property:

Whether purchased by the College, Research Foundation, or individual units, all computers and the software they contain remain College Property, and will be managed by CTS. In addition, appropriate use of these devices is governed under the NYS Cyber-security Policy, the Purchase College Computer Ethics Policy, the Purchase College Computer Privacy Policy, and the Purchase College Mobile Device Policy.

Computer Recycling:

Whether new computers are provided by the College or the unit, the computers being replaced will revert to CTS for disposal and recycling as computers are classified as hazardous waste due to the heavy metals they contain.


(Updated October 2019)