Our Hours Today:
9:00am - 5:00pm

Basic Needs

Achieving Your Full Potential

It’s difficult to succeed without essential resources that could impact your health, academic performance, and overall well-being. 

Contact the resources below, on and off campus, for compassionate, and judgment-free help.

Resources On Campus

Student Emergency Funds

Emergency grants support students who experience an unforeseen financial hardship or emergency.

Food Pantry

The Campus Food Pantry distributes good quality and nutritious emergency food to Purchase College students. It’s located in Fort Awesome, next door to Starbucks.

Find out more information on the Food Pantry website.

Employment Assistance

Utilize our Career Development Center to help you find your next job or internship. If you need assistance with interview clothing, contact Career Development to access their career closet.

Student Technology Support

If you need help learning how to access the DUO app/authentication or other technology services contact CTS (Campus Technology Services).

Academic Advising and Degree Completion

If you find yourself in academic jeopardy or on the verge of dropping out, contact the Advising Center first for assistance.

Tutoring and Learning Center

Visit the Learning Center website to see the resources available to help with your academic subject areas and skills development such as writing, time management, study habits, and more.

Local Resources