Woo-hoo, you’re coming to Purchase. Congratulations!

College is a new beginning, and we realize it can be a little intimidating. But through a summer-long Orientation program, we’ll provide you with many resources and services to assist your transition to college life.

The various components of our complete orientation program will help you:

  • Meet other incoming students and get to know your peers;
  • Begin your adjustment to campus life;
  • Connect with current undergraduate students who will answer questions about all things Purchase;
  • Learn about our unique campus and all the resources it offers you;
  • Meet faculty and staff who you can rely on during your time at Purchase.

Summer 2024 Orientation Program

Throughout the summer, we’ll provide you with the resources you’ll need as you transition to college life. Some things are mandatory, others optional, so please pay attention to the information below. 

Submit Your ID Photo

Picture this: submitting your ID card photo before you even come to campus so that you have the first photo you actually like on an ID.

For new students coming to our college, you can use the GET Mobile app or the GET website to submit your own photo.

Submit Your Photo