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Exposure to Hazardous Materials

Provide the following information when reporting a spill:

  • Injuries, if any
  • Location of the spill (building and room number)
  • Name of material(s) involved (spell clearly and slowly)
  • Amount of material spilled
  • Immediate actions already taken
  • How spill occurred (if known or suspected)
  • Who first noticed spill and at what time
  • Call-back number(s)

Spills or Leaks from Fluorescent Light Fixtures:

  • Use caution - light fixtures manufactured prior to 1980 may have ballasts that contain polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)
  • Isolate the leak/spill area to prevent people from coming in contact with the spilled material
  • Call (914) 251-6911 to have the spill cleaned up by trained personnel

Major Spill Procedures:

  • Notify others in your area that a spill has occurred
  • Evacuate the room, floor or building as necessary-pull the fire alarm if necessary to evacuate the building
  • Call (914) 251-6911 to report the spill
  • Turn off all ignition sources if flammable spill
  • Close doors to the area where the spill occurred
  • Limit access to the area
  • Stand by the area outside the building until help arrives

Minor Spill Procedures:

  • Do not clean up the spill yourself, unless you know what spilled and how to properly clean it up
  • Notify others in the area that a spill has occurred
  • Prevent others from coming in contact with the spilled chemical(s)
  • Wear proper personal protective equipment (PPE) such as goggles, gloves, etc. before cleanup
  • Try to prevent spilled chemicals from entering waterways by building a dike around the access points (i.e., sinks, outside storm drains). Spread absorbent material on and around the spill to absorb the chemical(s)
  • Sweep up the absorbed spill from the outside toward the middle. Scoop up and deposit in a leak-proof container. Label and dispose of the container through the hazardous waste management program
  • Wash the contaminated surface with soapy water. Report the spill to your supervisor