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Returning Students

FALL 2025 Room Selection Information 

Housing deposits are due March 2, 2025

Your housing deposit and license agreement must be completed by March 2, 2025 in order to take part in housing selection. Students cannot participate in housing selection with late deposits or if they have holds on their student account.

In order to match up with potential roommates you must have paid your housing deposit. You can only search for other students who have also submitted a housing deposit. They system takes 24 hours to update once a deposit is paid.

Roommate matching will be live from March 3rd, 2025 to March 17th, 2025.

To participate in the roommate selection process please follow the directions below:

  • Student Portal
  • Click on myHeliotrope
  • Sign in using your e-mail & password
  • On your profile page you will see a button with three lines on the top left of the page
  • Once you click on the 3 line button a side bar will open on the left hand side of the screen- Click the Room Selection tab
  • Next you will click on Select Roommates
  • On the top of the page, make sure you are in the FALL 2025 term
  • Click on Search for Roommate- this will allow you to search by student name, major or responses to certain questions
  • Once you have the person you want to select you will click on roommate request
  • The student requested will also need to log on and approve the request under pending roommate request
  • When you are fully matched with another student you will see the matches show up under roommate request
  • You can view our roommate matching guide for step by step directions with pictures.

You should only match up with the amount of people for the type of housing you are looking for. Example:

  • If you are looking to live in a four person apartment, your group should only be 4 people
  • If you are looking for a double in Fort Awesome, your group should only be 2 people
  • Matching with another student does not guarantee you will be roommates. You will still go through the room selection process.

Room Selection Directions

Our office will be assigning all students to housing this year based on your room and roommate requests. You will only select a room using the information below if you decide to opt out of the assignment you receive.

To participate in the roommate selection process please follow the directions below:

  • When you go to your portal page you will see there is an active room selection button under – Room Selection- this will only show up the day before your selection.
  • Your room selection time is noted on the top of the screen- The selection may be open but you have a specific time assigned to you. You must wait until that time to select. You will not see a select button if you click on a room until your time is active.
  • Use the drop down arrow to Select from Room List
  • You can filter by hall, floor, kitchen or non-community bathroom – click search available rooms once you filter
  • On the right hand side it will list spots and suite spots- the first number is how many beds are available in that room, the second number is how many beds are available in the apartment/suite.
  • Room type will let you know if the room is a single, double or triple
  • Once you find an apartment/room you will click on- select room/suite
  • The screen will list all the available spaces within the room. You can place yourself in the bedroom that you want. If you are matched up with other group members and they are eligible to select the same day you are, you will also be able to place them in a bedroom. Remember if they are not eligible while you pick it will not pull the other student in and it will not save them a space in the apartment.
  • Make sure all the information is correct and this is the room you want. Once you click Submit Room Selection your choice is final.
  • If you scroll to the top of the page you will receive a Congratulations message that your selection has been processed.
  • You will also receive an e-mail informing you that you have selected a room. If you do not receive an e-mail your selection did no go through. A way to double check this is to go to your housing portal page and view your Fall 2025 assignment. You should see your room assignment + the other people living within the room/apartment.
  • You can view our room selection guide for step by step directions with pictures.

Our room selection FAQ important information for the selection process and answer many of your questions. 

Please review our returning student housing selection and deadline information for your step by step guide to housing selection.

Housing Selection Dates (Fall 2025):

Housing selection is based on completed credits. Credits that are currently in progress are not included. Below are some keys dates to keep in mind:

March 2nd- Housing deposits and your completed RLA are due. If both are not received by this date you will not be able to select who you want to live with or where you are living. 

** After signing your housing contract/RLA you will see a series of questions that will allow you to submit your room and roommate preferences. You can revisit these questions to make changes up until March 17th when it will lock for assignments.

March 3rd-17th- Roommate selection will be open. You will need to match up with any students you want to live with and noted in your RLA preferences above. You will not be able to search for or pull in a student who did not meet the March 2nd deadline for deposit and RLA.

March 18th-26th- RSL will review all housing submissions for the students who submitted the housing deposit and RLA on time and fully matched with who they wanted to live with in the housing system. Our office will take all requests into consideration and assign housing from highest credit level to lowest credit level.

March 27th- Housing assignments will be sent out to students by e-mail. Students can opt out of the assignment they received by e-mailing RSL@purchase.edu by April 4th. Those students will be entered into a live room selection process. Please note that if you did not receive a single based on your credit level, you won’t find a single during the live process.

April 14th-18th- A live selection will take place for students who submitted the deposit and RLA on time who are opting out of the assignment they received from RSL.

All deposits received after March 2nd will be assigned to housing over the summer months. Housing assignments will be based on the availability we have after room selection has been completed. It will be very difficult to take requests after the room selection process as housing will be limited. We recommend submitting your deposit and RLA by March 2nd if you want to live in certain area or with friends.