Our Hours Today:
8 am - 4 pm

Diversity and Inclusion

Purchase College’s Career Development Center is committed to engaging and supporting our diverse student population with inclusive career programs, services, and resources. 

Career Development is dedicated to helping students with career decisions, providing preparation for and referral to job and internship opportunities through programs and related services by addressing the career development needs of all students.

Workshops and Events

Diversity in the Workplace

Students come together for a discussion on diversity issues in the workplace. Concerns such as understanding an organization’s culture, handling discrimination, “coming out” at work, and dealing with office politics are addressed.

Panel Discussions and Networking Events

Students gain exposure to various career options during these informative panels and discussions. Speakers from underrepresented populations share their “career stories” and provide advice on how to “break the glass ceiling” and work toward successfully achieving one’s career goals.

Special Topic Workshops for Student Clubs and Organizations

Career Development will also present special topics for student clubs and organizations upon request with advanced notice. Staff may visit clubs during their regular meeting times, invite clubs to attend sessions at the Career Center,  and offer opportunities for collaboration and co-sponsorship for events of interest. https://www.purchase.edu/offices/career-development/events/We strongly believe that the success of our DEI programming depends upon our active partnership with student leaders.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Resources

Career Development’s resources include a variety of multicultural career development resources, publications, and professional memberships. These resources are designed to increase students’ awareness of professional issues, community development and civic engagement, and opportunities available for students. See below for additional online resources.  
Mental Health Resources for Those Impacted by Racial Injustice (from the Counseling Center)

Mentoring Students connecting with representatives from the organizations after the presentations.

Purchase College alumni and local employers from across all professional areas and cultural backgrounds have volunteered to participate as mentors who will share their career experience and guidance with current students. 
