
Instruction is face-to-face in a classroom setting.


A hybrid course is split between face-to-face instruction and online delivery (synchronous, asynchronous, or both).


Combines online and face-to-face instruction simultaneously into one single course section. Students are able to participate in class in different ways: as a synchronous distance learner (via real-time, videostreaming); as an asynchronous distance learner (accessing materials, recorded lectures, and responding at a later time); as a face-to-face learner (physically present in the classroom); or as a flexible learner (with a degree of choice as to how they participate each week; sometimes face-to-face, sometimes by streaming class sessions, etc.).

Online - Synchronous

Lectures and discussions are offered synchronously, online.

Online - Asynchronous

Students complete all assigned work through Brightspace or other platforms. They do not meet synchronously with instructors as instructional videos and materials are available online; however, instructors still maintain regular and substantive interaction with students, by responding to questions, providing timely feedback on submitted work, and so forth.

Online - Combined (Synchronous + Asynchronous)

In this form of instruction, the course contains both a synchronous component and an asynchronous component.

Dual Delivery

Dual delivery allows some students to be in person while other students are synchronously online, typically with their images projected onto a screen in the classroom. Note: students do not register for “dual delivery” courses per se. Rather, students simply register for either the in-person or online section of a particular course.