Notes for All Leaves of Absence
- Students who are granted a leave at the end of a semester are responsible for finishing any incomplete work before the deadline for resolution of incomplete (I) grades (refer to the academic calendar).
- Students on leaves of absence who are later found to be in academic difficulty will have their academic records reviewed by the Academic Review Committee (ARC). When warranted, the ARC may place a student on probation or take other appropriate action.
- Students on leaves of absence may take coursework elsewhere as a nonmatriculated student, but cannot be guaranteed that Purchase credit will be given for that work unless specific arrangements are made in advance. (Please refer to Off-Campus Study for additional information.)
Academic dismissal will supersede any leave of absence.
- Campus housing is limited and is not guaranteed for students returning from leaves of absence. For specific information related to on-campus housing, please email or call the Office of Residential and Student Life,, (914) 251-6320.
- Taking a leave of absence will affect the repayment of educational loans and disbursements of student aid funds. Students who receive financial aid and/or have taken out educational loans must consult with the Office of Student Financial Services, (914) 251-6080, before taking a leave of absence.
- Students on leaves of absence who do not return to the college at the agreed-upon time are administratively withdrawn as of the term that the return was to have taken effect. To return to Purchase College, students who have been administratively withdrawn must submit an Application for Readmission to the Office of the Registrar. Readmission, however, is not guaranteed.