Academic Probation

Academic probation is a formal notification sent to a student by the Director of Student Advising and Academic Support, when the student’s cumulative grade point average falls below 2.00. Copies of this notification are sent to the registrar and the student’s advisor. 

  1. A student is placed on academic probation following a semester during which the student’s progress has been found to be problematic. Probationary status is not a punitive action. It is intended to indicate problems that require correction and, if not corrected, may result in loss of federal Title IV aid (see below) and academic dismissal. However, academic probation is not necessarily a prerequisite for dismissal.
  2. Academic probation is recorded on the student’s transcript. To have such a notation removed from the record, a full-time student must, in the semester following the action, meet the minimum expectation described in the probation notice. The work must be completed on time, i.e., no incomplete (I) grades.
  3. If placed on academic probation, students are encouraged to give attention to their educational and professional development.
  4. Students in BFA, MusB, MFA, or MM programs may also be placed on professional probation or dismissed by their respective conservatories/schools. This is a separate process from academic probation/dismissal. For more information, see Professional Standards.

Restrictions of Privileges

Students who have been officially placed on academic probation are required to cease extracurricular activities so that they may concentrate on their studies during the semester of probation. As soon as  the probation status is removed from the student’s record, the student is eligible to continue with their extracurricular activities.

Extracurricular activities are defined as:

  1. Any elected or appointed executive board position in the Purchase Student Government Association (PSGA) or a PSGA-sponsored club or organization.
  2. Any elected or appointed executive position in any governance organization, including the Purchase College Senate, the Educational Policies Committee, the Personnel Policies Committee, the Purchase College Association, Academic Review Committees, the Campus Appeals Board, faculty review committees, etc.
  3. Participation in any intercollegiate athletic team.
  4. Students employed by the college (e.g., head residents, resident assistants, student directors) who are placed on academic probation are placed on “job probation” as well. These students have their employment commitment re-evaluated by the supervisor, who may recommend a reassignment of duties. Students on “job probation” may also be required to participate in academic support services (e.g., a study skills workshop).

Exceptions to the restriction of privileges are considered by the appropriate Academic Review Committee upon receipt of a letter of appeal within five academic working days of probation notification. The letter of appeal should state exactly what circumstances mitigate against enforcement of the rule.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards for Financial Aid

To maintain eligibility for certain types of financial aid, students must also meet satisfactory academic progress (SAP) standards for federal and state financial aid. For additional information on these standards, please refer to the Student Financial Services site.