Grade Point Averages

How to Calculate Grade Point Averages (GPAs)

Convert grades into quality points (QPs):

A+ = 4.334       A = 4.000         A- = 3.666
B+ = 3.334       B = 3.000         B- = 2.666
C+ = 2.334       C = 2.000         C- = 1.666
D = 1.000         F / XF / WF = 0

Multiply the courses credits by its grade’s quality points.

Grade  QPs        Cr.                  Course QPs

A+        4.334  x  4 cr.      =        17.336
B          3.000  x  4 cr.      =        12
B-         2.666  x  3 cr.     =        7.998
C+        2.334  x  2 cr.     =        4.668
F          0.000  x  1 cr.      =        0         

Add all the quality points = 42.002

Add all the attempted credits = 14

Divide the number of quality points by the number of credits attempted.

42.002 divided by 14 = 3.00 GPA

Program-Specific GPA Policies

When a student formerly registered as nonmatriculated is accepted as a matriculated student, credits acquired (a) as a matriculated student and (b) as a nonmatriculated student are counted toward the cumulative GPA.

When a student transfers between the School of the Arts and the School of Liberal Arts and Sciences, grades previously earned remain in the cumulative GPA. The college-wide Academic Review Committee decides the issue of academic probation on a case-by-case basis.