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Extra Service and Also Receives Compensation Processing Procedures

Extra Service and Also Receives Compensation Processing Procedures

Requests for Extra Service or Also Receives should be initiated by the requesting department at least four (4) weeks prior to the performance of Extra Service/Also Receives assignment. However, it is recognized that it is not always possible to submit the request within the four weeks’ timeframe. In emergent situations where an employee is required to begin an assignment sooner, please contact Human Resources for assistance.

Processing the transaction in the Human Resources Employee Tracking System (HRETS)

Both requests for Extra Service and Also Receives must be electronically processed within HRETS via the submission of a Personnel Action Form (PAF). In order for the PAF, for either Extra Service or Also Receives compensation, to be successfully processed the following supporting documentation must also be completed. The supporting documents are included as separate tabs within the PAF.

  • Extra Service - a letter of justification and UP-8 or UP-6* form
    • UP-8 Form- Request for Approval of Extra Service for SUNY Professional Service Unit Employees (NU08 - UUP)
    • UP-6 Form – Request for Approval of Extra Service for M/C Employees*
  • Also Receives – a letter of justification

Personnel Action Form (PAF)

Contract/Position/Funding Data

The PAF must indicate the total budgeted amount/proposed encumbrance anticipated to be spent for the entire extra service period (as well as the per hour rate for ES assignments that are paid on an hourly basis).

Courses Data

If a faculty member will be temporarily taking on additional teaching responsibilities or a non-teaching workload, the additional workload must be identified in the courses section.


Before the signatory flow is introduced in the PAF, the supporting documentation must be completed. The letter of justification for either the ES or AR PAF have to be completed and signed by the employee’s immediate supervisor. If the PAF is for ES then either a UP-8 or UP-6 form also must be signed by the employee. Once the respective document/s have been signed the Approvals tab will then become available to start the signatory process.

Supporting Documentation

  • Letter of Justification

Some of the data in the Letter of Justification will be prepopulated (such as the date of the letter, name of the employee, effective dates, amount of ES/AR compensation, employee title and department name).

The information for the Brief Description of Current Duties will be prepopulated from a staff members current Performance Program**. If the data is blank, a new performance program will first have to be created before the PAF is signed by HR. Contact either Amanda Zallo (HR Manager - Extension 6449) or Ricardo Espinales (Associate Director – Extension 6086) if you have any questions regarding the performance program.

The data in the other fields (for example: regular work schedule, faculty current teaching obligation, description about the ES or AR assignment) must be manually entered.

The description must clearly show that the ES or AR assignment is separate and distinct from the work performed as part of the employee’s normal professional obligation.

If the request is to compensate an employee AR, the initiating department must identify in the letter if the assignment is a new or continuing assignment. If it’s a continuing assignment, the initiating department must explain why it’s continuing and if the previous AR assignment was performed in a satisfactory manner.

Note: additional justification must be included in the letter (for either ES or AR) if the assignment began prior to attaining proper approvals

  • UP-8 or UP-6

The data in the UP-8 or UP-6 will be prepopulated. All that will be required is the employee’s signature.

Electronic signatures/Email notifications

Since all of the supporting documents are now electronic, only electronic signatures will be necessary. Once the letter of justification has been completed and saved, the name of the employee’s immediate supervisor will appear at the bottom. The department head/administrator should click the “notify the first signatory” option. The supervisor will get an email notifying them that they have an ES or AR (PAF) letter of justification to sign, and the employee performing the ES assignment will also get a notification to review/sign the UP-8/UP-6.

*Extra Service and Also Receives compensation awards for employees designated as Management Confidential (M/C) requires additional approval by SUNY and therefore may result in a payment delay.

**Performance Programs are required for all staff employees. For guidance in creating a performance program please refer to the UUP Performance Programs and Evaluations policy listed on the HR Policies and Procedures website.

Faculty and Staff paid Extra Service on an Hourly Basis vs a Flat Fee

Faculty and Staff who have been approved for Extra Service and are to be paid on an hourly basis, are required to submit an Extra Service Payroll Voucher to Payroll on a biweekly basis for payment of services rendered under Extra Service. The ES Payroll Voucher can be downloaded from the HR/Payroll Forms website. Please refer to the Hourly (Non-Student) Payroll Schedule to determine when the voucher is to be submitted to Payroll.

Faculty and staff assigned additional teaching/instructional or non-teaching administrative responsibilities during the academic or calendar year, who are to receive a predetermined amount of compensation (fee) during the semester, will not have to submit an Extra Service Payroll Voucher to the Payroll Office Human Resources for payment of services rendered under Extra Service.

ES and AR compensation paid on a flat fee basis will be processed by the Payroll Office during a specific payroll period range that corresponds to the effective dates entered on the PAF.

Also Receives cannot be paid on an hourly basis

Since the College is subject to audits by SUNY and Office of the State Comptroller, the College may be asked to provide additional evidence that an employee’s extra service assignment was completed, such as a work log, supervisor attestation, or similar supporting documentation.


Twenty Percent (20%) Maximum Earnings

Compensation for Extra Service or Also Receives is not to exceed an amount equal to twenty (20) percent of an employee’s base annual salary in a fiscal (calendar) year beginning July 1 or academic year beginning September 1, as appropriate.

An employee may only begin working their Extra Service/Also Receives assignment once the PAF has received final approval. Subsequently, in accordance with SUNY Policy, Purchase College may not compensate employees for Extra Service performed prior to departments receiving approval from Human Resources.

Note: In those situations where the work will be performed during an employee’s normal work day/shift, please refer to the “Also Receives” section of this memo.

Extra Service Compensation

Extra Service should only be used for an employee when the work to be performed by the employee is:

  1. performed entirely outside an employee’s normal work day/shift
  2. substantially different from an individual’s professional work obligation as defined by the employee’s performance program, and must not interfere with the employee’s regular responsibilities

It should be noted that professional staff cannot receive extra service compensation during their normal professional work obligation period. If the employee were to perform another job function during those days and hours, it would be deemed to be double pay for the same hours.

Also Receives Compensation

Also Receives Compensation should be used when the work to be performed by the employee is:

  1. Work that is in addition to, and substantially increases or expands the scope of the employee’s normal professional responsibilities, but that may be completed during their regular professional obligation (although additional work hours may be necessary). The assignment is usually limited in nature or may be aligned with a responsibility where the additional compensation will end when the assignment and/or funding ends
  2. Clinical Support: This section is applicable to the clinical faculty of a school of medicine or dentistry in a State University Health Sciences Center or Academic Medical Center or College of Optometry
  3. Transition Allowance: Where an interim or acting president has been appointed by the Board of Trustees and has moved onto or near campus to conduct the business of that campus, or a senior officer has been hired in a newly appointed position, the University may provide an additional or alternate housing or transition allowance of up to $3,000 per month for up to 12 months, but should be reviewed every 3 months.

For an assignment expected to be greater than one year, contact Human Resources to review the assignment. Additionally, Also Receives compensation may not be used for employees who are paid on an hourly, fixed rate or biweekly basis.

Extra Service Funded Via a Research Foundation Grant

As with state funded Extra Service, an employee’s Extra Service compensation funded via a Research Foundation grant is subject to the SUNY Policy that states that compensation for Extra Service is not to exceed an amount equal to twenty (20) percent of an employee’s base annual salary in a fiscal (calendar) year beginning July 1 or academic year beginning September 1, as appropriate.

Changes in an Employee’s Extra Service or Also Receives Assignment

It is the responsibility of the department that processed the Extra Service/Also Receives request to immediately notify Human Resources of any changes to an employee’s assignment (i.e., change in days, hours, work assignment location/area), or if the assignment ceases before the effective end date listed on the PAF. All notifications must be sent via email to: Ricardo Espinales AND Paula Rankine-Belgrave.