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The Senior Project

The senior project is a college-wide requirement for students in BA, BS, BFA, and MusB programs, and takes many forms depending on a student’s major.  Students in Global Studies, Communications, and Law and Justice Studies are required to take a Senior Capstone Course. It is the hallmark of the Purchase educational experience and the signature of our curriculum.

Students in the Liberal Arts and Sciences devote two semesters (Senior Project I and II) to an in-depth, original, and creative study. Students in the Conservatories of Dance, Music, and Theatre Arts, and the School of Art+Design spend their years at Purchase working towards their final senior projects, which can be comprised of  senior recitals, showcases, and art exhibitions. Students are mentored closely by program faculty and private study professors to help shape the scope and content of their final projects.

All completed projects  may be submitted to the Purchase College Library for archival purposes. The Library does not accept paper projects; all student projects, including senior projects, senior capstone papers, and master’s theses must be submitted via the Student Project Portal. (Refer to the Library’s guide for instructions.)

Policies and Procedures for Students in BA and BS programs: 

  • It is recommended that the Senior Project be sponsored by a member of the department in which the student has majored. After the student has chosen a faculty sponsor, they should consult their sponsor about the choice of a second reader. A second reader is required and should be chosen in consultation with the faculty sponsor.
  • At the end of Senior Project I, a grade of SP (satisfactory progress), UP (unsatisfactory progress), or NP (no progress) is assigned. In the event a grade of NP is received, Senior Project I must be retaken.
  • After the completion of Senior Project II, the project or thesis is evaluated by the sponsoring faculty member, who obtains comments from other involved faculty and/or staff. A grade of A+ through F is given for Senior Project II. In the event a grade of F is received, Senior Project II must be retaken.
  • In the event a Senior Project cannot be completed on time, it is subject to the same rules that govern other incomplete coursework. However, if the Senior Project is not completed by (a) the deadline for resolving grades of Incomplete (I) for the fall semester or (b) August 15 for the spring semester, an additional registration for the Senior Project is required. This policy supersedes any arrangements for “extended incompletes” that may have been made. Special permission from the sponsor and department Chair is required to register beyond a third semester for the Senior Project.

Accelerated Status in the Senior Year

Students in BA and BS programs may be given accelerated status in their senior year by registering for and completing Senior Project I and II in one semester. Acceleration requires permission of the advisor, Senior Project sponsor, appropriate department Chair, and/or Director of the student’s school.

Senior Project Registration in Summer Session

Students in BA and BS programs cannot complete both Senior Project I and II during the summer; however they may register for either Senior Project I or Senior Project II in the summer session, provided:

  1. The principal sponsor should certify to the department Chair or Director of the student’s school that they will be present for a significant portion of the summer to provide guidance and direction to the student.
  2. The project is approved and the registration is allowed for the summer by the department Chair and Director of the student’s school.
  3. The student registers and pays for the summer session work: 3 credits for a 6-credit senior project or 4 credits for an 8-credit senior project. Students who register for Senior Project II during summer session must complete the project and submit a copy to the Library via myHeliotrope no later than August 15.

Policies and Procedures for Students in BFA and MusB programs:

  • Policies and expectations for Senior Projects within the Conservatories of Dance, Music, and Theatre Arts, and the School of Art + Design vary greatly between individual programs. Students in these programs should consult with their advisor and program Chair regarding the specific requirements in their area of study.