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Applying for Readmission to Purchase College

If you were a matriculated (also called degree-seeking) Purchase student in the past, we are eager to welcome you back. Readmission to the college is necessary for formerly matriculated students who have separated from the college. The readmission process must be completed for you to be matriculated.

Important Information:

  • All students applying for readmission are required to pay a nonrefundable $25 Reapplication Fee. The fee can be paid by check (made out to “Purchase College”) or credit card.
  • The decision to readmit is not an automatic one. A student must be readmitted by the Office of the Registrar and by the program of interest before enrollment can be permitted. See the readmission application (fillable)/ readmission application (non-fillable version).
  • An assessment of your progress towards graduation cannot be processed unless you have applied for readmission.
  • Readmitted students are bound by program and degree requirements in force during the academic year in which they are readmitted.
  • Students must clear any holds/flags (obligations to the college) prior to readmission.
  • Students readmitted to the college must meet with their advisor and register for courses prior to the last day of the add/drop period. (See the academic calendar for dates).
  • Questions regarding tuition and payment deadlines should be directed to Student Financial Services, (914) 251-7000. Students interested in financial aid and/or housing must apply to the appropriate offices. No requests for financial aid or housing will be processed until a readmission decision has been officially made.

Application Deadlines:

Completed applications must be received by the Office of the Registrar by the following dates:

  • Fall semester: July 15, 2024
  • Spring Semester: Preferred deadline is December 1, 2024

Application Instructions:

Applications cannot be processed until all required documents and related materials (below) are on file in the Office of the Registrar.

  • A completed readmission application (fillable)/readmission application (non-fillable version)
  • Your Personal Statement
  • Official transcript(s) of all coursework completed at other colleges while away from Purchase NOTE: If you were not in good academic standing when you departed from Purchase, it is highly encouraged that you complete coursework at a community college before reapplying. 
  • An audition, interview, or portfolio review may be required if you are applying for a major in the visual or performing arts. If required, you will be contacted by the Office of the Registrar.
  • Letter(s) of recommendation or any evidence supporting your likelihood of having a successful career at Purchase (required if you were not in good academic standing when you departed from Purchase, optional for those in good academic standing)
  • Evidence of honorable separation from the military (if applicable; please refer to the Military personnel for additional information)
  • The $25 nonrefundable reapplication fee (credit card authorization form)
  • Forward all documentation and related materials to:

    Purchase College, SUNY
    Office of the Registrar
    735 Anderson Hill Road
    Purchase, NY 10577-1400

Personal Statement

Submit a personal statement detailing your activities since you were last enrolled. Determine which of the following best describes the circumstances of your departure from Purchase College.  Please respond to each of the questions individually and completely.

Withdrawal (official and administrative): Personal Statement Questions

  1. Provide a brief description of the reasons you decided to withdraw, a summary of how you occupied yourself during your leave, including any academic courses you took for credit, and the factors that have led you to apply for readmission.
  2. Discuss your academic goals upon returning to campus (e.g. progress toward major, intent to study abroad, intent to complete Senior Project, etc.). What campus resources will you require to accomplish your goals?

Unapproved Extended Medical Leaves: Personal Statement Questions

  1. Provide a summary of what led to your medical leave. This does not need to include medical information, but simply what was occurring that led to your medical leave. If you accessed on-campus and/or off-campus resources prior to your leave, what was most helpful during that time?
  2. Describe the actions you have taken during your time away to address the challenges that led to your leave. Did you take any academic courses for credit? Describe a recent situation when you used help-seeking or self-care skills to manage a stressor. What did you find most helpful?
  3. Students returning from medical leave report that it is helpful to create a plan about how they will respond to challenges that may arise upon return. By making a specific and realistic plan, students increase their ability to act during a time of difficulty. It is also useful for friends, family, and/or campus resources to be aware of the plan so we can offer support in carrying it out. With this said, please imagine you are back on campus and that you are experiencing a challenge similar to that which led to your medical leave.
    1. What cues would tell you that you needed support?
    2. What steps would you take to care for yourself?
    3. What person(s) or resource(s) would you reach out to?
    4. What would help you follow through with these steps, even if they felt difficult?
  4. Discuss your academic goals upon returning to campus (e.g. progress toward major, intent to study abroad, intent to complete Senior Project, etc.). What assistance is necessary from campus resources to accomplish these goals?
  5. Overall, what is your self-assessment of your current academic, social, and personal functioning?

Academic Dismissal: Personal Statement Questions

  1. Provide a summary of what led to your academic dismissal. What on-campus and/or off-campus resources did you access prior to your dismissal in order to attempt to address the challenges you faced?
  2. Provide a summary of how you occupied yourself during your time away, including any academic courses you took for credit.
  3. Students returning from academic dismissal report that it is helpful to create a plan about how they will respond to challenges that may arise upon return. By making a specific and realistic plan, students increase their ability to act during a time of difficulty. It is also useful for friends, family, and/or campus resources to be aware of the plan so we can offer support in carrying it out. With this said, please imagine you are back on campus and that you are experiencing challenges similar to that which led to your academic dismissal.
    1. What cues would tell you that you needed support?
    2. What steps would you take to address the challenge(s)?
    3. What person(s) or resource(s) would you reach out to?
    4. What would help you follow through with these steps, even if they felt difficult?
  4. Discuss your academic goals upon returning to campus (e.g. progress toward major, intent to study abroad, intent to complete Senior Project, etc.). What has changed?  Why do you feel you will now be able to take the necessary steps to be successful academically should you have permission to re-enroll? What assistance is necessary from campus resources to accomplish these goals?
    Overall, what is your self-assessment of your current academic, social, and personal functioning?

Provisions for Military Personnel

Under Military Personnel Under the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA), specific provisions are made for service members. For additional information, please refer to Veteran’s Services.