Our Hours Today:
9:00 AM - 5 PM

Campus Shuttles

Known as The Loop, our campus shuttles service nearby White Plains and Port Chester while classes are in session during the fall and spring semesters. 

The Loop is free to current students, faculty, and staff who present a valid More Card

Port Chester

Port Chester contains a variety of restaurants, supermarkets, a performance venue, and a Metro-North train station on the New Haven Line.

Port Chester Loop Schedule

White Plains

White Plains has a microcity environment with malls, high-rises, restaurants, department stores, grocery stores, and a Metro-North train station on the Harlem Line.

White Plains Loop Schedule

Guest Policy

Our campus shuttles are only for current students, faculty, and staff with a valid Purchase ID card. Guests of a student may ride The Loop. The student host must be present and have a valid guest pass. For more information go here Purchase College Guest System.

Inclement Weather

Check this page for inclement weather announcements. We will post messages above when necessary.

Due to inclement weather or traffic conditions, The Loop may arrive slightly later than predicted. Shuttles are considered “on time” with arrivals within 5 minutes, plus or minus, of their scheduled stop time.


To help keep track of issues that may arise with the shuttle, we need your help. Please email us at  parkingandtransportation@purchase.edu with any issues.