
Who NEU?  The Museum is a center of teaching and learning for all stages of life. Who NEU? The Museum is a center of teaching and learning for all stages of life.



Art for everyone. 

The Neuberger Museum of Art champions those who make art, engage with art, and discover meaning through art. Through group tours, talks and lectures, panel discussions, family activities, and member events, we promote learning and engagement for people of all ages and backgrounds. 

Tours and Class Visits 

  • PreK-12 School Tours
    • NEU Kids Art Access Program for Title I Schools
  • Purchase College Class Visits
  • Adults Groups

Upcoming Programs

Calendar of upcoming programs and featured events.

Previous Programs

Video archives of past lectures, artist talks, and other special programs.

ART Workshops for Adults 55+

Make art and friends at these community-based, hands-on, art education experiences for older adults.
(All levels of experience welcome!)

Resources for Kids and Families

Art projects and videos for kids and families to try at home.

Open Classroom

Learn about works in the Museum’s collection as described by Purchase College students. 




Questions: nma.education@purchase.edu