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Welcome to Purchase, from the TLTC!

New faculty members: welcome to Purchase College, from the Teaching, Learning, and Technology Center (TLTC)!

Welcome to Purchase College, SUNY on behalf of the Teaching, Learning, and Technology Center (TLTC)! The TLTC is Keith Landa (Director) and Marie Sciangula (Assistant Director). We are based in the Library (on the lower level) and work with the library staff to provide a variety of instructional services to support teaching and learning at Purchase. While the TLTC and Campus Technology Services (CTS) coordinate on projects, CTS is a distinct department on campus. They maintain all Purchase College user accounts, network services, and classroom technology.

Once your paperwork is finalized with Human Resources, CTS will automatically generate your Purchase user account. You can use the Online Account Activation page to activate your account; there is no need to wait until you arrive on campus to activate your Purchase account. Once your account has been activated, you’ll have access to Purchase email, Moodle, our learning management system (LMS), subscription databases and other library resources, as well as your class rosters in myHeliotrope, and more.

The TLTC provides faculty support for a variety of teaching and learning applications – Moodle, Mahara (ePortfolio system), Turnitin, VoiceThread, open educational resources, integration of library resources and materials into Moodle spaces, to name a few. We also provide programming and consultations on course design and other pedagogy topics.

To help you get started, check out the Moodle Basics help guide which covers many common questions we get about Moodle, such as how to:

and much more!

In addition, this year we will be introducing a variety of self-paced mini-courses in Moodle on a variety of instructional technology and course design topics, which will allow you to work through some of these teaching and learning topics at your own pace, and have documentation (Moodle badges) that you can include in your teaching portfolio and annual activity reports.

We are here to help you get started with your teaching at Purchase. Please feel free to contact us at with any questions. If you would like to have a remote consultation on instructional technology or teaching at Purchase this summer, before you get to campus, we can set up a Zoom conference session to speak with you.

Lastly, please join us on Friday, August 24 at 1pm-3pm in Library Lab 1004D for a Moodle Hands-on Workshop session, covering key Moodle Basics!

Welcome to Purchase! We look forward to working with you.
Keith Landa & Marie Sciangula,