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Marie Sciangula

Assistant Director of the Teaching, Learning, and Technology Center

I’m the Assistant Director of the Teaching, Learning, and Technology Center at Purchase College, SUNY, located in the Purchase College Library. I administered Moodle, our previous learning management system, and now manage our tenant of D2L Brightspace.

More About Me

  • Campus Lead, D2L Brightspace Project
  • SUNY DLE Campus Administrator
  • SUNY FACT2 Campus Representative
  • SUNY DLE Campus Representative

I offer training and workshops for faculty and staff geared towards integrating technology into teaching and learning and encourage the use of open source applications. I’m a member of the Metropolitan New York Library Council (METRO) as a member of the Social Media, Bibliographic Instruction, and CollectiveAccess special interest groups and a member of the myMETRO Researchers Pilot Project. I present at local and national conferences including SUNY’s Conference on Instruction and Technology (CIT), SUNY Librarians Association conference, and METRO’s annual conferences. I’ve also presented at ARLIS/NA, have been published in Art Documentation, The Global Librarian, and, most recently, The Meanings of Dress: Fourth Edition and Distributed Learning: Pedagogy and Technology in Online Information Literacy Instruction.

Most recently, I have been named Purchase College’s Campus Lead on the SUNY-wide effort to create a new digital learning environment. This includes leading the campus migration from our current Moodle system to D2L Brightspace, the hub of the digital learning environment.

In addition to my duties as the assistant director of the TLTC, I manage the social media platforms for the TLTC (and for many years, the Purchase College Library). I also migrated the Library website from its homegrown, in-house content management system to the website you are viewing right now, built using LiveWhale, in a process that began in 2016 and launched in 2017. I’ve even been called a LiveWhale “power user!”

I’ve earned a bachelor’s degree in Women’s Studies (now Gender Studies) from Purchase College, SUNY and a MLIS from Long Island University’s Palmer School of Library and Information Science.

I’ve been playing guitar since age 12 and I’m obsessed with music.


Recent Publications

Detterbeck, Kim, Nicole LaMoreaux, and Marie Sciangula. (2019) “Style and Substance: The Information Seeking Behavior of Fashion Bloggers.” In The Meanings of Dress, Fourth Edition. Kimberly A. Miller-Spillman, Andrew Reilly, and Patricia Hunt-Hurst. Fairchild Books.

Detterbeck, Kimberly and Marie Sciangula. (2017) “Innovation through Collaboration: Using an Open Source Learning Management System to Enhance Library Instruction and Student Learning.” In Distributed Learning: Pedagogy and Technology in Online Information Literacy Instruction. Tasha Maddison and Maha Kumaran, editors. Chandos Publishing.

Sciangula, Marie. (2016) Citation and Research Management Tools. Purchase College Library LibGuides.

Detterbeck, Kimberly, Nicole LaMoreaux, and Marie Sciangula. (2014) “Off the Cuff: How Fashion Bloggers Find and Use Information.” Art Documentation: Journal of the Art Libraries Society of North America. Vol. 33: No. 2, 1-14.

Sciangula, Marie. (2013) Contributor to “Takin’ It To The Streets: myMETRO Researchers Bring Library Science Skills and Expertise to NYC Communities.” Tom Nielsen, chapter editor. In The Global Librarian. New York: METRO & ARCL/NY.

Detterbeck, Kim, Nicole LaMoreaux, and Marie Sciangula. (2012) “Style and Substance: The Information Seeking Behavior of Fashion Bloggers.” New York: Metropolitan New York Library Council.

Oling, Rebecca and Marie Sciangula. (2012) “Learning to Leverage: Using Moodle to Enhance F2F Interaction in One-Shots.” LOEX Quarterly: Vol. 38: Iss. 3, Article 5.

Sciangula, Marie. (2012) Citation and Research Management Tools. METRO LibGuides. (no longer live; migrated to Purchase College Library LibGuides)

Sciangula, Marie. (2012) Zotero Citation Management Tool. Purchase College Library LibGuides.

Exhibitions / Performances


Detterbeck, Kimberly and Marie Sciangula. Zotero: Collect, Cite, Connect (Part Two). Metropolitan New York Library Council, July 7, 2022. (watch Part Two recording on YouTube)

Detterbeck, Kimberly and Marie Sciangula. Zotero: Collect, Cite, Connect (Part One). Metropolitan New York Library Council, June 7, 2022. (watch Part One recording on YouTube)

Detterbeck, Kimberly and Marie Sciangula. Zotero: Citation Management for the Masses. Metropolitan New York Library Council, Aug 17, 2016. (slides)

Detterbeck, Kimberly and Marie Sciangula. Innovation through Collaboration: Library and TLTC Partnerships at Purchase College, SUNY. Metropolitan New York Library Council: Bibliographic Instruction Special Interest Group, April 2016.

Detterbeck, Kimberly, Nicole LaMoreaux, and Marie Sciangula. Off the Cuff: How Fashion Bloggers Find and Use Information. Metropolitan New York Library Council: myMETRO Special Interest Group, 2015.

Sciangula, Marie and Rebecca Oling. Toodles to Basic Moodles: Enhance Your Moodle Course with Easy Tools. Teaching & Learning Day, January 2015. Purchase College, SUNY, 2015

Darcy Gervasio and Marie Sciangula. Moodle Student Project Spaces: More Than Just Submission!. Teaching & Learning Day, January 2015. Purchase College, SUNY, 2015

Sciangula, Marie. Zotero: Citation Management for the Masses (Hands-on). SUNY CIT 2014: Objects in the Mirror are Closer than they Appear: Reflection, Innovation, and Learning. Cornell University, 2014.

Detterbeck, Kim, Darcy Gervasio, Rebecca Oling, and Marie Sciangula. Partnering Panthers: Library & TLTC Collaboration at Purchase to Re-envision Processes, Engage Educators, and Enhance Learning. SUNY CIT 2014: Objects in the Mirror are Closer than they Appear: Reflection, Innovation, and Learning. Cornell University, 2013.

Detterbeck, Kim, Darcy Gervasio, and Marie Sciangula. From Creation to Preservation: Transforming the Culminating Student Project Through Collaboration. METRO’s 2nd Annual Conference. Baruch College: Metropolitan New York Library Council, 2014.

Detterbeck, Kim, Darcy Gervasio, and Marie Sciangula. The Curious Transformation of the Culminating Student Project Process at Purchase College, SUNY. Poster session presented at ACRL/NY 2013 Symposium: The Library as Knowledge Laboratory. Baruch College: ACRL/NY, 2013.

Professional Development Activities