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Separation from Purchase College


Employees separating from service at Purchase College shall provide a written and signed letter of resignation informing the College of their final day of work and effective resignation date.

UUP/unclassified employees shall provide thirty (30) days’ written notice of resignation. As per Article §32.2 of the Agreement between United University Professions and the State of New York, “In the event an employee fails to provide the full 30 days’ notice, it shall be within the discretion of the President or designee to withhold from such employee’s final check an amount equal to the employee’s daily rate of pay for each day less than the required 30 days.”

Classified employees* shall provide at least two (2) weeks’ written notice of resignation. In the event an employee fails to provide proper notice, it shall be within the discretion of the President or designee to withhold payment for accrued and unused vacation leave in accordance with Section 23.1 of the NYS Department of Civil Service Attendance and Leave Manual.

*Subject to change based on the bargaining unit agreement.


Employees considering retirement should contact the Benefits Office via email or phone at 914-251-6448 to make an appointment to discuss eligibility and initiate necessary paperwork. 

Notice of retirement should follow the notice period corresponding with your bargaining unit agreement; a minimum of thirty (30) days’ written notice for UUP/unclassified employees and two (2) weeks’ notice for classified employees. 

Please refer to the Retiree Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).

Additional Information

Upon separation from the College, employees may be reimbursed for a maximum of thirty (30) days (or equivalent number of hours for classified staff) of unused accrued vacation credits. Unused sick, holidays, and personal leave balances are forfeited upon separation. In cases of retirement, employees shall have the ability to use up to two hundred (200) days of accumulated sick leave credits to pay towards their health insurance cost in retirement.

Use of accruals during the notice period is subject to management discretion based on the operational needs of the College. The use of accruals shall not be used to extend an employee’s last day in pay status or meet the notice requirement corresponding to the employees’ specific bargaining unit. Exceptions may be made under certain circumstances subject to the review and approval of Human Resources.

Separation Procedures


  1. Initiate appropriate “End of Service” PAF* in HRETS.
  2. Initiate Separation Form in HRETS.
  3. Discuss a transition plan with the employee.
  4. Collect ID card, parking permit, keys, equipment, and any other College-issued property from employee (if not already returned to the appropriate department) on their last day. 
  5. Ensure the employee’s time record is up to date, up to and including their last day of work.
  6. *If an employee’s email privileges are not extended in PAF (pending VP/Officer approval), you may consider processing a PDASH form in HRETS for retirees or employee extension of email. Purchase College Credentials and access to College systems, including email, will otherwise end upon separation. Please note: an employee will be required to complete CTS security awareness training if maintaining active email/credentials.


  1. Submit a written and signed letter indicating your final day of work and effective separation date.
  2. Discuss a transition plan with your supervisor.
  3. If you are a supervisor yourself, please close out the Performance Programs and Evaluations for your staff. 
  4. Return any College-issued property such as credit cards, keys, electronics, library books, ID card, and parking permit, and satisfy any fines (if applicable) before your departure.
  5. You may wish to discuss with Noemi Spaziante, Benefits Manager, such matters as your health insurance coverage, retirement status, and others that may be of interest to you.
  6. Complete your timesheets up to and including the last day of your employment.
  7. Ensure HR has your current address on file (can be updated in your Employee Datasheet in HRETS, or contact HR directly). Certain payments may be mailed out via paper check by the Office of the State Comptroller (OSC) even if you were enrolled in direct deposit.
  8. Electronically sign your Separation Form in HRETS.
  9. Exit interviews are conducted by the Affirmative Action Office. Please contact Lisa Miles-Boyce, AAO/CDO, Title IX Coordinator, & ADA Compliance Officer, or David Sparnroft, Asst. AAO/Title IX Investigator, to schedule an interview if you wish.
  10. Remove all personal belongings from your workspace and/or locker.