Our Hours Today:

Faculty Student Engagement Grants

The Student Success Committee is continuing its efforts to fund extracurricular and interdisciplinary events through the Student Engagement Grant and a Bus Transportation Grant.

The Purchase College Association (PCA) has allocated funding for this year’s Student Engagement Grant, which will be equally divided between the fall and spring semesters.

In addition, the PCA has budgeted for a limited amount of funding for bus trips to support faculty-student engagement outside of the classroom.


Faculty and Staff (priority for funding is for staff that also teach).


To support faculty initiatives that increase student engagement with the world beyond the classroom and offer them new venues for interacting with each other. Examples include taking a class on a trip to a museum exhibit or a performance.

Preference is given to activities that do the following:

  • Assist lower-level students build a connection to each other and Purchase College.
  • Serve at least 20 students, and preferably more.
  • Involve students from numerous academic disciplines.
  • Involve event registration/entry fees or ticket costs.
  • Eliminate or offset the cost of public transportation fees to and from the activity.
  • Are not fully funded elsewhere. No events will be double-funded.


Up to $100 for non travel related events (event registration, tickets costs, food) - This award is available to faculty members only.
Up to $500 for bus transportation to off campus events, museums, concerts, cultural experiences.

Applications Due

Please submit at least 3 weeks prior to the event to ensure timely review and processing.


Student Engagement Grant Guidelines and Application

Bus Transportation Grant Guidelines and Application

Contact Information:

Barbara Washington
Associate Director of Student Success
Student Services Building, First Floor
(914) 251-5928