Diversity Resources

Academic Programs:

Educational Opportunity Program

The Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) and Merit Access Program (MAP) community at Purchase College provides the opportunity for a college education for students who have not reached their full academic potential because of limited financial resources and inadequate academic preparation. EOP at Purchase has a committed, dedicated staff who are eager to assist students succeed. Located in Student Services Building, Room 217.

 Cultural Student Organizations part of PSGA:

  • American Sign Language
  • Disabled Students’ Union
  • F.O.R.T.H.
  • Hillel
  • Humans of Polynesian and Asian Ancestry (HAPA)
  • Latinxs Unidos
  • The Organization of African People in the Americas (O.A.P.I.A.)
  • Students of Caribbean Ancestry (S.O.C.A.)

PSGA Student Diversity Committee:

A committee made up of voting members of the Purchase College Student Government Association: (2) Senators appointed by the chair of Senate in consultation with the Chair of the Student Diversity Committee, (2) CoCos or Service Board representatives who are appointed by the Chair; and (2) students at large who are appointed by the Chair. The charge of the Student Diversity Committee is:

  • To increase awareness, encourage, and facilitate diversity within all spheres of the Campus Community.
  • To educate the Campus at large as to how their actions and diction affect people within different ranges of sensitivity when it comes various social, economic, and political issues.
  • To brainstorm, plan, and execute initiatives in collaboration with PSGA operations that will offer a more diverse, thought provoking and accepting college experience for Purchase College Students.
  • To initiate programs with the Student Affairs Diversity Committee, the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee, and the Purchase College Staff
  • To encourage Programming at all major events and general events, which celebrate people of varying race, ethnicity, cultural heritage, gender, sexual orientation, gender expression, ability and the other categories of the Non-Discrimination Clause.
  • To address situations where differences would hinder the atmosphere of learning at Purchase College.


Multicultural Center Diversity Team:

The Diversity Team (formerly known as the Student Affairs/Enrollment Management Diversity Committee) will focus on planning and executing diversity programs and education in alignment with the strategic diversity efforts of the college. The committee will organize programs that concentrate on diversity topics, including but not limited to access, equity, identity, privilege, discrimination, systemic racism, vocabulary, civic programs and support campus partners  in planning and implementing diversity programs. 

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee:

This is a standing committee of the Purchase College Senate made up of faculty and staff that supports The Purchase College Diversity Plan.

Chief Diversity Officer